Week 19: Hell Hath No Fury

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Contract Signing

Jerry "The King"Lawler is in the ring standing next to a table and chairs with microphones and a folder containing the contract.

"This Sunday is Money in the Bank, where there well be numerous matches to look forward to such as The Shield's Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins vs. Team Hell No for the tag team titles, Dean Ambrose vs. Kofi Kingston for the United States Championship, but the match a lot of people are looking forward to is the Street Fight between Stephanie Skye and Alissa Flash. Now before that match can take place a contract needs to be signed to insure that the two competitors understand what they're getting themselves into. Now the young ladies who will be a part of this street fight, first let me introduce to you Stephanie Skye."

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

Stephanie comes down to the ring followed by the members of the Shield. Dean Ambrose and Stephanie were hand in hand on their way down the to the guardrail meeting up with Roman and Seth. They waited in the ring for her opponent.

"Now please welcome Stephanie's opponent this Sunday Alissa Flash."

"I get crazy sometime start losing my mind I take it out on you. When it's my time and nothing is right I take it out on you..."

Alissa came down the ring she stopped then looked back at the entrance where Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston came behind her as her back up against the Shield. They enter the ring keeping their distance from the Shield. Stephanie snuggles into the arms of Dean Ambrose never keeping her eyes off of Alissa. They all stood in silences staring at each other until King broke the silence.

"If you two ladies would take a seat we can get this contract signing done with and hopefully avoid any altercations."

Stephanie and Alissa took their seats in the chairs in front of the table. Alissa had Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston behind her chair as Stephanie had the Shield behind hers.

"Now before anyone signs, is there anything you two ladies would like to say?"

Stephanie picks up the microphone to speak first, she laughs before speaking. "Here we are again, Alissa. How many matches have we fought against each other? How many times have we nearly ended each others careers? Nearly too many to count and each ending badly for one of us. You remember the second time we faced each other? It was a Last Woman Standing match. I beat you in that match. I beat you to the point where you had to be carried out of the ring, you couldn't walk on your own. I did that to you. I made you vulnerable."

"How could I forget that match, because of you I was out of action for months with a knee injury. But do you remember the very first match we had? It was a steel cage match and I dislocated your arm and nearly tore your pectoral muscle off your shoulder. Now I did that to you. I'll tell you how many matches we've had against each other. We've had five matches together all under extreme circumstances and each one more brutal than the last. One of us ending up in the hospital or out of action for months."

"In each match you lighted more of the crazy in me since the very beginning. You may have age advantage over me but I've accomplished far more than you've ever done in your ten years of wrestling." Stephanie leans back into the chair and lifts her feet on the table as she continues to speak, "Now answer me this...Does it make you feel pathetic knowing that I'm better than you in so many ways and that I've passed your level in the last five years?"

Alissa suddenly rises from her chair. Stephanie laughs and keeps her position showing that she does not fear Alissa. Alissa scoffs and shoves Stephanie's feet off the table nearly knocking her out of her chair. Stephanie slightly chuckles then rises from her chair to look Alissa in the eyes. The only thing keeping them separated is the table in between the two.

"Now, now, ladies lets try to wait until this Sunday to tear each other a part." King tries to calm the situation down.

Stephanie grabs the contract and the pen attached to it then signs her name on the dotted line. She slowly passes it to Alissa playfully with a smile on her face. Alissa signs her name as well making the match official. Stephanie takes Dean Ambrose's hand as she makes her way out of the ring but is stopped by Alissa's voice.

"Hey Steph," Stephanie turned her head, "You think I sparked the crazy in you years ago...well you unleashed the monster now." Alissa flips the table and begins her attack on Stephanie. Suddenly Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston start attacking the rest of the members of The Shield. Abruptly everyone gets kicked out of the ring leaving behind Stephanie and Alissa. Stephanie attempt to hit Alissa with a high kick but Alissa ducks under it and hits her in the abdomen. Alissa hits Stephanie with Kudo Driver leaving her unconscious. Alissa stands over her giving the fans an idea of how the street fight will end this Sunday at Money in the Bank.

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