Week 40: Heart Divided

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In the Authority's Office

Corporate Kane called in the Shield to discuss their recent issues within their group.

"So what exactly do you need us in here for then," Dean says standing on the far left with Stephanie and Seth standing in between him and Roman, "We kinda got a lot going on."

"Over the past few weeks I've been noticing a dissension within the Shield."

"Is there a point to all this?" Dean asks.

"The point is the Shield has proven to be a valuable asset in the past but recently there hasn't been much common ground between all of you. So as Director of Operations I am taking it upon myself to light a fire under you to see if you still are a valuable asset or disposable. So tonight, there will be a mixed tag match against Santino Marella and  Emma."

Dean clears his throat, "No offense, Kane but Stephanie and I don't want to waste time going up against unworthy opponents."

"Actually, the match won't be with you and Stephanie teaming up. Instead it will be Santino and Emma against Stephanie Skye and Seth Rollins considering they are the only two that can keep things calm within the Shield maybe they can show you what it's like to work as a team. Is that going to be a problem?"

Stephanie and Seth look at each other, "No, we can take them on." Seth answers.

Santino Marella and Emma vs. Seth Rollins and Stephanie Skye

 "This is a mixed tag team match set for one fall. Approaching the ring first, the team of Santino Marella and Emma."

Santino and Emma make their way to the ring by way of power walking along with Emma's dancing.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D.

"And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, representing the Shield, the team of Seth Rollins and Stephanie Skye."

 Seth and Stephanie enter the ring ready to prove that in any kind of match they're put in they can win and conquer.

The bell rings as Santino and Seth start the match first.

The two lock up but Seth manages to get Santino in a side head lock. Santino is able to push Seth off him and bouncing him into the ropes but Seth comes back with a shoulder block take down. As Seth bounces off the ropes Santino kip-up to hit him with a hip toss. Seth gets to his feet quickly and attempts to kick Santino in the gut but Santino catches his foot. Seth bounces on one leg until he counters it with an enziguri. Seth lifts Santino to his feet and tosses him into the corner and stomps away at him. Seth Irish whip Santino but he counters by doing the splits and ducking under Rollins' clothesline but he bounces a second time back and hits Santino with a right arm. Seth goes for the cover but only gets a two count. He drags Santino out onto the apron near his corner where he throws a series of forearm shots to his chest. Santino rolls back to the center of the ring as Seth Rollins starts to taunt outside the ring. Seth gets back in the ring but quickly gets hit with a clothesline by Santino who begins to gain momentum. Santino begins to pull out the Cobra until Stephanie reach over the ropes and tags herself in.

Stephanie gets in the ring and faces off against Emma. Stephanie slaps Emma causing her to get angry then Emma starts hitting Stephanie with a series of clotheslines. Emma tosses Stephanie into the ropes attempting to get her in the Dil-Emma but Stephanie counters it by pulling her back into the ring and slamming her face into the mat. Stephanie rolls Emma on her back as she hits her with a standing moonsault. She goes for the cover but Emma kicks out at two. Stephanie puts Emma in the gut throat hammer lock submission hold in an attempt to make her tap. Once Stephanie releases the hold and attempt to toss Emma into the corner but she counter it by tossing Stephanie into the corner herself. Stephanie tries to throw a punch to Emma but she ducks underneath it and this time manages to get the Dil-Emma hold in until the referee counts to three and she releases it.

Emma attempts to put Stephanie in the Emma Lock but Seth Rollins come into the ring along with Santino and his Cobra. Seth ducks underneath the Cobra and hit Santino in the gut. Meanwhile, Stephanie counters Emma's hold by kicking her back and manages to get to her feet. Seth and Stephanie hit Santino and Emma with a dropkick, perfectly in sync with each other, knocking them both out of the ring. Skye and Rollins look at each other with a smile on their faces when they both bounce off the ropes and jump through the ropes for a double Suicide Dive onto their opponents. They both high-five each other before Stephanie grabs a handful of Emma's blonde hair as she rolls her back into the ring. Stephanie hits Emma with a standing Shiranui and goes for the pin to get the win.

"The winner of this match the team of Seth Rollins and Stephanie Skye."

Seth rolls himself back into the ring when Stephanie pounces on him to give him a hug over their victory. Roman Reigns gets in the ring to congratulate his teammates along with Dean Ambrose who does not look happy after seeing the hug Stephanie gave to Seth. Roman pats Seth on the back when all of a sudden Dean comes up to him and knocks him down. Stephanie pushes Dean back while Roman helps Seth up.

"What are you doing?" Stephanie asks him.

He doesn't answer her, instead he leaves the ring. Stephanie looks at Roman and Seth in confusion of Dean's action.

Later that night: Backstage

Stephanie is looking for Dean when she spots him leaving the arena. She runs to catch up with him.


He doesn't stop walking when he hears Stephanie shouting at him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" She manages to get in front of him causing him to stop, "What was that about out there?"

He doesn't answer her nor looks her in the eye.

"What has your problem been over the last few weeks. First, you argue with Roman and now with Seth."

Finally, he looks down at her, "There's one thing that I can't handle. What I will not tolerate. What will keep me up at night, and that's being lied to by somebody I trust."

"What are you talking about?"

"Like I don't know that you have some sort of romantic thing going on with Roman or Seth. I see it."

She scoffs, "You actually think I'm cheating on you with one of them."

"Just tell me which one is it Seth or Roman...or both."

Stephanie's jaw clenchs as she slaps Dean across the face leaving him stunned. "There's only one thing I can't handle and that's being doubted." She walks aways from Dean but turns to say one last thing, "When are you gonna learn that my heart only beats for you."

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