Week 31: Part 2

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Monday Night Raw

Vickie's Office

Vickie is talking on the phone, when Alissa and Stephanie walk in she ends the call, "How can I help you two ladies today?"

Stephanie points at Alissa, "Alissa is here for her WWE contract."

"And Stephanie is here for her title opportunity." Alissa says pointing back at Stephanie.

"I'm sorry to tell you but it hasn't been decided on who gets what."

Alissa and Stephanie look at each other in confusion, "What are you talking about? We won our match last night at Survivor Series and the stipulation was that we'd get what we wanted."

"Yes, you'd get what you want but only one of you can get the deal and to see who's more deserving of that deal you two are going to have a match tonight. Alissa Flash vs. Stephanie Skye. Winner gets what they want." Vickie begins to laugh her evil laugh as Stephanie and Alissa look at each other realizing they have to go against one another to get what they want.

Alissa Flash vs. Stephanie Skye

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D

“Introducing first, she is a member of the Shield…Stephanie Skye.”

Stephanie comes walking down the steps with the guys until she tells them to head back up. Once she gets into the ring Stephanie takes a seat on the bottom turnbuckle awaiting her opponents.

I get crazy sometimes start losing my mind, I take it out on you. When it's my time and nothing is right I take it out on you...

“And her opponent, from San Francisco, California…Alissa Flash.”

Once Alissa gets into the ring Stephanie gets up from the turnbuckle and faces off against her. They get in each other's faces, knowing what has to me done for themselves. They both go back into their corners until the bell rings and the match starts.

The two lock up equally pushing each other back and forth until Alissa pushes Stephanie into the corner. The referee cautions Alissa to get Stephanie out of the corner before the five count. Alissa raises her hand in surrender and backs away from Stephanie as they both laugh at one another. They circle each other in the ring as they approach each other. They lock up once again but Stephanie quickly puts Alissa in an arm lock and twists. Alissa manages to cartwheel herself out of the move but Stephanie slams her arm to the mat for a pin attempt but only get a one count.

They lock up once again but this time Alissa turns Stephanie around for a waist lock. Stephanie sits down to attempt to get out of the hold but Alissa keeps her grip on the waist of Stephanie. In another attempt to get free Stephanie gets to her feet and reverses the hold by twisting Alissa's arm behind her back. Alissa manages to hit Stephanie with jawbreaker and the pin but only gets a one count. Alissa lifts Stephanie up and places her in a head lock. Stephanie manages to get out of it hitting Alissa in the abdomen with a series of elbows.  After getting free, Alissa and Stephanie go through a series of reversals knowing each other too well and getting a step ahead of one another over and over again.

Alissa gets Stephanie in a leg scissors headlock. Stephanie bridges her body and flips over Alissa's head to get a pin attempt of a two count. Stephanie Irish whips Alissa against the ropes once she bounces back Alissa knocks Stephanie down with a shoulder block. Alissa attempts to run towards the ropes but Stephanie grabs her ankle causing her to fall. They both get up Alissa charges with a clothesline but Stephanie ducks underneath it and hits Alissa with multiple forearms. Alissa begins serving some of her own forearm shots as the two go back and forth. Stephanie tosses Alissa into the corner as she charging towards her Alissa gets her feet up and knocks Stephanie back. Alissa climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Stephanie to turn around. Stephanie gets to her feet and Alissa hits her with a missile dropkick.

Alissa picks Stephanie up and body slams her down to the mat. Alissa grabs Stephanie and puts in the Gorilla Clutch submission in the middle of the ring. Stephanie begins to scream in pain as her back is being bent to its limits. Alissa is shouting at her to tap out but Stephanie doesn't budge. Stephanie claws at the mat trying to reach the ropes just as she's fingertips away from the bottom ropes, Alissa releases the hold and hits her in the spine with an elbow. Alissa climbs the turnbuckle attempting to do another missile dropkick but Stephanie manages to get to her feet and hit Alissa with a enziguri kick. Alissa is left groggy on the top rope. Stephanie jumps back onto the top turnbuckle and deliver a superplex to Alissa.

Stephanie slowly and painfully gets up to the top turnbuckle, with every will power she has left she hits Alissa with a moonsault. Stephanie lifts Alissa's leg up for the cover. 1,2...3.

"Here is your winner...Stephanie Skye."

Stephanie rises to her feet and raises her hand for the victory. Alissa uses the ropes to help herself up. Stephanie look over at her in fatigue. She and Alissa go face to face with each other. They both extend handshakes as Alissa pulls Stephanie into a hug showing that even though they will always end up as enemies that they still have respect for each other.

Alissa leans in closer to Stephanie's ear to tell her something that she already knows Stephanie can do, "Give AJ hell."

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