Week 61: Wrestlemania 30

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Thanks to everyone who followed the journey of the hounds but it's finally time to say goodbye to the Shield. It has been awesome writing this story and I hope you all enjoyed the ride as much as I have. I have now uploaded a new story entitled "WWE The Shield's Recruitment: Behind The Scenes" where we look at how things really went down outside the ring and make sure to look out for another story entitled "Life After The Shield" later this week which will follow the adorable couple of Dean Ambrose and Stephanie Skye. I hope you guys join me for new adventures in either one of those stories and make sure to comment on either one of those to let me know that you are continuing the journey. please enjoy this chapter. <3

P.S. Let me know in the comments what is your favorite thing about this story. <3


Divas Championship Elimination Invitational

The ring is filled with all the divas from the locker room including Kharma, whom was in the corner separated from  the other divas who didn't want anything to do with her.

"The following is a Divas Championship elimination invitational. The last diva to score a pin fall or submission after all divas have been eliminated will be declared the winner and the Divas Championship."

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Introducing the challenger, approaching the ring. She is a member of the Shield...Stephanie Skye."

Stephanie Skye makes her way down towards the ring from the crowd wearing the half mask that the Shield was wearing earlier in their match along with Dean Ambrose's hoodie. She jumps the barricade and joins the rest of the challengers but her eyes focus on Kharma standing on the opposite of the ring. She's gonna have to focus on her before AJ.

Let's light it up...

"Making her way to the ring, from Union City NJ, she is the Divas Champion...AJ Lee."

AJ comes skipping down the long Wrestlemania ramp with a smile on her face and the title around her waist. Once she makes it to the bottom of the ramp near the ring her expression changes to complete seriousness and focus. She kisses her belt as she enter the ring where she keep close to Tamina considering their history together.

 The referee raises the Divas Championship in the air before finally ringing the bell.

The ring begins to fill with chaos as every diva in the ring goes for Kharma. They all surround the center of the ring until Kharma is able to overpower everyone by tossing them back leaving her alone in the center of the ring. She grabs the first diva she gets her hands on, which is Cameron, and hits her with an Implant Buster for the pin and the elimination.

"Cameron has been eliminated."

Stephanie battles it out with Alicia Fox in the corner. Alicia takes Stephanie to the top rope but she counter by putting Alicia in a headlock from the top rope as she tightens the hold by lifting her off the ground. Alicia manages to get free from the headlock then hits Stephanie with a kick to the head, knocking her off the top turnbuckle and onto the floor.

AJ is in a leg scissors headlock by Layla. She keeps the hold in until AJ reverses it into a pin where Layla kicks out. Layla quickly puts AJ in a side headlock but she reverses with a series of forearm shots to the face. Layla kicks AJ in the face and springboards off the ropes but AJ moves out of the way causing Layla to land on the mat hard. AJ takes the chance to apply the Black Widow on Layla leading to a submission.

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