Week 16: Keep Your Enemies Closer

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The Usos vs Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Jimmy Uso attempts to toss Roman Reigns over by his arm but Reign manages to clothesline him. Dean Ambrose and Stephanie stand together at ringside as Seth Rollins is Reigns's corner. Jimmy Uso manages to gain the upper-hand on Reigns and Rollins attempt to interfere but Jay Uso comes in and takes him out of the ring. Jimmy manages to kick Reigns in the gut then bounces off the ropes to hit him with a spinning kick but Reigns dodges underneath it then bounces off the ropes and hits Jimmy with a spear. Reigns covers him for a three count and the win. Seth Rollins enters the ring followed by Dean Ambrose and Stephanie.

"Here are your winners...Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns."

Dean Ambrose begins to trash talk Jimmy Uso then the Shield begin their attack on him while he's still down from the spear. Kofi Kingston suddenly comes out and begins attacking Dean Ambrose. The Shield managed to kick Kofi out of the ring and return their target to Jimmy again. Suddenly Kofi comes back into the ring with a steel chair and hits Dean Ambrose in the back but misses Seth Rollins. The Shield exit the ring. Stephanie quickly helps Dean Ambrose, still feeling the impact the chair made, back over to the guardrail to reunite with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.


The Bella twins are making their way to the ring for Nikki to be in single competition against Stephanie. As they're walking they spot Alissa Flash fixing her hair.

"Brie, didn't the sign outside say no dogs allowed?"

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be on a leash."

Alissa sarcastically laughs along with them, "Seriously girls, if I were you I'd just walk away right now. This dog's bite is way worse than her bark."

"Well I hope you're watching my match tonight and maybe you can take notes on how to actually win a match against Stephanie."

"Yeah, so you can stop being a..."

"Loser." they both say as they put their hands in a shape of an L on their forehead.

Nikki Bella vs Stephanie Skye

"You can look but you can't touch..."

"This match is scheduled for one fall making her way to the ring, being accompanied to the ring by Brie...Nikki Bella."

Nikki and Brie flip backwards from the ropes to enter the ring. Nikki asks for a microphone.

"I honestly feel that this match doesn't need to take place. I mean, let's look at all the wrong about Stephanie. She has a bad sense of style, nasty hair, and terrible taste in men. Plus I think..."

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.E.I.L.D."

"And her opponent, being accompanied by Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, Shield member...Stephanie Skye."

The Shield made their way half way down the stairs. Stephanie bumps fists with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns then gave a kiss to Dean Ambrose. Stephanie made her way to the ring alone as the rest of them cheer her on then begin to walk back upstairs. Stephanie enters the ring and immediately gets into Nikki's face about her insult towards her and Dean Ambrose's relationship.

Nikki shoves Stephanie but quickly Stephanie slaps her. Stephanie drives her knee into Nikki's abdomen then irish whips her into the ropes and hits her with a spinebuster. She then delivers a standing moonsault to Nikki and a pin attempt but only gets a two count. Nikki crawls to the corner and as Stephanie grabs a hold of her hair, Nikki manages to grab Stephanie by the vest and pull her head into the second turnbuckle. Nikki flips Stephanie over her shoulder then steps on her hair as Nikki lifts Stephanie off the floor by her arms. After being told to release the hold Nikki lifts and slams Stephanie to the ground. Nikki irish whips Stephanie into the ropes, but she counters with a wheelbarrow bulldog. Stephanie then attempt to initiate the inverted STF but gets stopped by Brie which causes the match to end in a disqualification.

"As a result of a disqualification the winner of the match...Stephanie Skye."

Nikki and Brie begin to double team Stephanie by kicking and punching her.

Suddenly Alissa Flash come out and clotheslines the twins. Alissa takes Brie into the corner and does a running forearm hit to the face then a series of punches to her abdomen. Nikki manages to clothesline Alissa out of her momentum. Nikki attempts to hit the Bella Buster but then out of nowhere Stephanie comes in with a dropkick to Nikki. Brie attempts to hit both Alissa and Stephanie but they counter with elbows to her face.

Alissa and Stephanie look over at each other and make some sort of agreement for now. Stephanie grabs Nikki and puts her in submission hold, putting her knee into Brie's back then stretching her arms back. Then Alissa lifts Brie up then wraps her legs around her waist in a wheelbarrow position. Alissa uses Brie's body to hit Nikki by swinging her into each other.

"Excuse me! I want you two to stop this right now!" Vickie shouts. Alissa and Stephanie release their holds on the twins as they both roll out of the ring in pain. "You two want to fight so bad? Fine! Next week it will be The Bella Twins vs. Alissa Flash and Stephanie Skye in a tag team match."

Stephanie rolls out of the ring where the Shield is waiting for her by the guardrail and Alissa looks over at Stephanie wondering if they can work together for this match.

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