Week 7: Innocence Powerbombed

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Dolph Ziggler w/ AJ & Big E vs. John Cena w/ Stephanie

After being checked by doctors last week, it is safe for John Cena to wrestle this week. Stephanie was also examined my doctors and had no injuries.

During the match Stephanie constantly checks over her shoulder hoping to not be confronted by the Shield again as well as John checking over the audience.

The match goes on fairly until AJ gets on the apron to get the referee's attention. Stephanie drags her down by her feet and begins to throw punches to AJ. Big E gets involved in the match by attacking John Cena which causes a disqualification. Dolph Ziggler and Big E begin to double team on John in the corner. AJ manages to get the upper hand on Stephanie by shoving her back into the ring apron then tossing her into the guardrail.

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.E.I.L.D."

Suddenly the Shield's music begins and they make their way to the ring through the crowd. Big E and Dolph Ziggler leave the ring along with AJ after she tosses Stephanie's body into the ring. John Cena and Stephanie are both groggy in the ring as the Shield gets into the ring. They turn their attention to John but quickly changes after throwing him out of the ring. Then they notice Stephanie crawling to her feet slowly. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins pick Stephanie up and pass her over to Roman Reigns. The trio performs the power bomb on Stephanie.

They all stand tall over Stephanie's unconscious body as the referees and doctors come to check on her. By the time John comes to and gets back into the ring the Shield are walking through the crowd.

Stephanie isn't responding to the doctors. Eventually a stretcher is called to the ring. EMT people place a neck brace on Stephanie then strap her into the stretcher. They take the stretcher all the way backstage where the ambulance is parked.

"Be careful guys," John says as he helps the EMT pull Stephanie into the ambulance. "Hang in there Steph, alright? I'm gonna take care of it."He says as he gets into the ambulance along side Stephanie.

John begins to feel the blame for the harassment when it's really him they are after.

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