Week 17: Bella's Gonna Fall

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The Shield confront their opponents




"Rollins, and you know that we are the Shield. Since day one we've been unbeatable and since day one our only goal is to bring justice to the WWE and we are continuing that goal against Team Hell No."

"Team Hell No, month after month we've fought and fought and we've done battle, but at Money in the Bank...we finish the war."

"Plus we have another piece of business to take care of at Money in the Bank and it's kind of sad to watch Kofi Kingston because he's actually good but all that talent wasted when he goes up against me. Now two of us are going to walk in but only one of us is going to walk out with the gold and we both know who that's gonna be."

"Now at Money in the Bank I'll have to face Alissa Flash once again, but until then tonight we have to team up to take care of some double duty. A little heads up to the Bellas...I'm gonna make sure I return the wonderful double team from last week."

"We are the Shield. We are the leaders of a new generation and the whole world is going to believe in the Shield and they're going to know that we own this business. Believe in the Shield."

Alissa Flash Interview

"Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time, the woman who will be facing Stephanie Skye at Money in the Bank...Alissa Flash. Alissa how confident do you feel having Stephanie as your tag team partner tonight against the Bella Twins?"

"I can't guarantee that Stephanie and I won't start Money in the Bank early but a little history lesson to the twins. When Stephanie and I were a tag team, we were undefeated. No other team could touch us. Rivals or not, we know what each others thinking. One thing Stephanie and I have in common is that we don't like to lose."

Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose w/ Stephanie Skye

Dean Ambrose has the upper hand of Kofi. Ambrose attempts to suplex Kofi but he manages to counter it and goes for a roll up pin, only getting a one count. Kofi hits Ambrose with a dropkick and bounces off the ropes to hit him with a jumping punch but Ambrose dodges underneath it. Kofi ends up in the corner and Ambrose runs to take him down but Kofi counters with a kick to his face. Kofi climbs up the turnbuckle and jumps off to hit Ambrose with an axe punch. Once he is down, Kofi attempts a pin again on Dean Ambrose but only gets a two count. Kofi gets back up on the turnbuckle but is cut off by Ambrose who delivers a punch to his head. Ambrose climbs the turnbuckle to hit Kofi with a suplex off the top rope but Kofi pushes him off. Suddenly Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns appear.

Rollins pushes Kofi off of the turnbuckle causing the match to end in a disqualification. The Shield attempts the power bomb but are interrupted by Team Hell No. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are fighting Kane in the corner as Daniel Bryan climbs the turnbuckle to hit Dean Ambrose with a headbutt but Stephanie quickly gets on the apron and delivers a high kick to Bryan's back, giving Ambrose the opportunity to suplex him off the top rope.

The Shield then make a run for it outside the ring and into the crowd.

The Bella Twins vs. Alissa Flash and Stephanie Skye

"You can look but you can't touch..."

"This is a divas tag team match set for one fall making their way to the ring, from Scottsdale, Arizona...Nikki and Brie...the Bella Twins."

The Bellas come out together with complete confidence in their victory tonight as they enter the ring in their usual fashion. They both await their opponents.

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