Week 60: In Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures

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"Please, welcome my guest at this time, the Diva's Champion, AJ Lee."

AJ approaches Renee with such seriousness on her face.

"AJ, last week you tried help Stephanie Skye from being attacked by Kharma and my question is why?"

AJ cracks a smile, "Oh Renee, what a cooky question. For two reasons, one, I wanted to know what I was going up against at Wrestlemania and I found out that I will have a challenge to overcome. The second reason, a few weeks ago I was being attacked by the divas locker room, I have no friends but for some reason Stephanie Skye, a person that I have no common interest with, she risked her own body to help me even though she had an opportunity to leave me behind. I figured I owed it to her. I mean she's been through hell to get to me, failing of course, but she keeps coming back for more." AJ looks at her Divas Championship, "It's like she said, I may despise her...but I have to respect her."

Nikki Bella vs AJ Lee

In the middle of the match, Nikki has the upper hand on the champ. AJ tries to regain moment by charging at Nikki but gets a kick in the face. Nikki applies an armbar on AJ's left arm trying to get her to tap out. AJ manages to roll over to pin Nikki while in the hold but only gets a two count as Nikki kicks out. AJ delivers a spinning kick to Nikki as she bounces off the ropes to clothesline her but Nikki manages to lift AJ over her shoulders and slam her down the mat. She goes for a pin but only gets a two.

Nikki tosses AJ into the corner where she hits a series of shoulder thrusts to her mid-section. She backs up and charges at AJ to deliver another shoulder but AJ manages to jump on top of the turnbuckle causing Nikki to hit the middle turnbuckle. AJ wraps her legs around Nikki and manages to lock in the Black Widow. Nikki reaches for the ropes but can't make in and taps out.

"The winner of this match, the Divas Champion...AJ Lee."

The referee hands her the belt and raises her hand in victory when Kharma appears coming down the ramp. AJ puts the Divas title underneath the corner turnbuckle as she prepares for Kharma.

Kharma gets in the ring and stares down AJ. She looks at the Divas Championship in the corner as AJ takes the opportunity to attack Kharma. She gets a few punches in but Kharma grabs her by the throat and slams her down. A grin appears on the face of Kharma as she rolls out of the ring and takes a steel chair out from under the ring. She brings it in the ring and places it in the center of the ring. Kharma grabs AJ by the hair and prepares to powerbomb her onto the chair.


Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D.

Stephanie Skye jumps the barricade and slide into the ring to attack Kharma before she lifts AJ in the air. Stephanie attempts to Irish whip Kharma into the ropes but she won't budge. Kharma pulls Stephanie to hit her with a clothesline but she manages to duck underneath it and come off the ropes with a crossbody but Kharma catches her and stays standing. Kharma swings Stephanie around and slams her on the mat.

Kharma walks towards the Divas Championship to pick it up but AJ comes up behind her with the steel chair and hits her in the spine. Kharma takes the hit without slowing down as she turns to face AJ. She quickly hits her in the gut with the chair causing her to bend over in pain.

AJ attempts to suplex her but can't get her large body off the ground. Suddenly Stephanie gets back to her feet to hit Kharma in the back and then helps AJ. Together, AJ and Stephanie are able to suplex Kharma clean off her feet. Kharma quickly gets back up to her feet and charges at the two but they duck and pull the ropes down. Kharma goes over the ropes dangling on the apron until AJ and Stephanie bounce off the opposite ropes and deliver a double dropkick which knocks Kharma off the apron and onto the floor. She gets to her feet in anger but does not try to get back into the ring.

Stephanie looks at AJ and then picks up her Divas title to hand to her, but when AJ tries to take it Stephanie doesn't release it. They stare each other down until she finally lets go of the other half of the belt. Stephanie rolls out of the ring and reunites with the Shield over the barricade.

Before leaving Stephanie nods at AJ as if saying, We're even...

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