Week 39: Hell In A Cell

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The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a six man tag team match..."

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Introducing first, approaching the ring being accompanied by Stephanie Skye, the team of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns...The Shield."

 All for members of the Shield enter the ring with their adrenaline going crazy until the lights go out and the Wyatt Family appear on the titantron.

Bray lights up his lantern, "Shield...We're here." He blows out the light and his eerie music begins to play. He walks with his family down to the ramp where he sits in his rocking chair and blows out the laterns light.

Catching flies in his mouth, Tasting freedom while he dares...

Dean Ambrose gets Stephanie out of the ring and joins his Hound brethren. The Shield stand their ground as the Wyatt's come into the ring. The six man stand in the middle of the ring facing each other and preparing for war. Dean begins to pace around in anger towards Bray.

Bray laughs then points at Dean, "You are not worthy of her." He then points over to Stephanie.

"You stay away from her!" He shouts trying to get in his face but Roman holds him back.

The two teams slowly make their way to their corner, but Dean couldn't help but go straight after Bray Wyatt as Roman and Seth join in the fight causing a huge brawl in the ring. Bray rolls out of the ring and calls Harper and Rowan to retreat with him leaving the ring to the Shield.

The match starts with Seth Rollins and Eric Rowan. The two circle the ring with Seth playing some games with Rowan by rolling underneath him when he tries to grab him. Rowan finally gets his hands on Rollins but manages to dropkick him into the Shield's corner for a tag to Roman Reigns. Roman begins his rampage by stomping away at Rowan as he's stuck in the corner. With another tag to Seth, he kick Rowan in the mid-section but Rowan manages to push Rollins away and shoulder block him down. Rowan takes a hand full of Rollins' hair as he drags him to the corner for a tag to Luke Harper. Gaining the upper-hand, Harper begins to head butt Rollins into his corner.

Harper tags in Bray Wyatt. Bray takes Rollins to the next corner and begins jabbing him in the gut along with punches to the head. Wyatt whips Rollins to the ropes and goes for a running clothesline, but Rollins baseball slides between Wyatt's legs and makes the tag to Reigns.Reigns and Wyatt face off in the middle of the ring. Roman dodges some punches from Bray as he muscles Wyatt to the corner and levels him with jabs to the gut. Bray gets out of the corner by throwing a punch to Roman and bouncing off the ropes to get a running body block but Roman clotheslines him down. Reigns go for the cover but only gets a one count. Wyatt locks in a front chancery and drags Reigns back to the Wyatt corner. Wyatt makes the tag to Harper and Harper goes for a suplex, but Reigns counters into a suplex of his own. Reigns manages to pull Harper to the Shield corner for a tag to Dean.

Ambrose shoves Harper's face into the ropes and drags him along it. He traps Harper into the ropes as Dean delivers a drop kick to the jaw for a two count pin attempt. Rollins get the quick tag and delivers a head butt to the kidney then a headlock as he tags in Dean again. Dean shoves Harper into the corner and hits him with a few elbow shots. He gets on the second turnbuckle to hit Harper with a  flying back elbow shot. Rowan distracts Ambrose from the apron, and that gives Harper enough time to connect with a drop kick leaving Dean in a daze. Bray Wyatt gets the tag and traps Ambrose in the corner. Bray gets on top of Dean and starts to throw a series of punches to him face. Stephanie walks over to the corner to cheer Dean on but Bray looks at her.

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