Week 18: Challenge Accepted

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Alissa Flash makes an announcement

"I get crazy sometime start losing my mind I take it out on you. When it's my time and nothing is right I take it out on you..."

Alissa Flash is in the ring with a microphone and upset.

"Everyone saw last week how well Stephanie and I do as a tag team, but I didn't come here to work together with her. I came here to get my hands on her and continue this unfinished war between us. I feel that a one-on-one match with regular rules isn't going to be enough to handle our business. It's been somewhat of a tradition to do extreme matches. The first match we had together was a falls count anywhere match, then a last woman standing match, and even a cage match. We go to the highest lengths to kill each other. That's why at Money in the Bank I want add a stipulation. One that we haven't done yet." Alissa paces around the ring then thinks until she's interrupted.

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

The Shield show themselves at the top of the stairs.

"You are absolutely right, Alissa. A regular match wouldn't cut it for us. Considering my boys are going to be taking the gold from Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston, my victory over you will be gold for me. So how about this...Alissa Flash vs. Stephanie Skye in...a street fight."

A smile appears on Alissa's face and without saying another word she nods her head in agreement to the match.

Aksana vs. Alissa Flash

Aksana has Alissa in a headlock from behind. Alissa finally rises to her feet and manages to lift Aksana over her shoulder and hit her with a running power slam. Aksana quickly rises to her feet and bounces off the ropes to hit Alissa with a clothesline but Alissa manages to hit her with a forearm to the face. Again Aksana manages to get to her feet, but Alissa quickly hits her with a swinging neckbreaker. Aksana lifts herself up by the ropes into the corner. Alissa backs into the opposite corner and slams her palms into the ground preparing to hit her with a running elbow strike. Suddenly Stephanie appears jumping the guardrail and onto the apron, taunting Alissa. She manages to strike Stephanie with her elbow knocking her off the apron and on the floor holding her jaw. Alissa is about to exit the ring but Aksana rolls Alissa up for a three count and the win.

"Here is your winner...Aksana."

Alissa tries to talk to the referee but Stephanie hits her from behind. Stephanie throws a series of punches then slams her face into the mat. Stephanie grabs Alissa by the hair to her feet when Alissa begins striking her with multiple forearm attacks. Stephanie manages to stop her momentum by hitting her in the face with her knee. Stephanie hits Alissa with her own finisher, the Air Raid Crash. Alissa is knocked out as Stephanie begins to get in her face and taunting her until the referees come to get Stephanie out of the ring. She slides out of the ring and exits through the crowd while watching the referees attend to Alissa.

Kane vs. Seth Rollins

Kane tosses Rollins over the top rope but he manages to hold on and land on the apron. Kane attempt to knock him off the apron but Rollins counter by kicking him in the shoulder. Rollins climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps towards Kane and is caught by the throat leading into a near choke slam. Rollins jumps over Kane's shoulder and into a roll up for a pin but Kane manages to grab Rollins by the throat once again. Roman Reigns jumps on the apron to interfere but Kane shoves Rollins into him and bouncing back into Kane's hand for another choke slam attempt and actually gets it. He goes for the pin but is interrupted by Dean Ambrose which ends the match into a disqualification.

Dean Ambrose unloads punches to Kane but he manages to grab Ambrose's neck and lift him up for a choke slam. Stephanie quickly interferes and delivers a low blow to Kane causing him to release Ambrose from his grip leading to a spear by Roman Reigns. Stephanie begins to taunt Kane, but is tackled down by Alissa Flash. Ambrose and Reigns attempts to pull her off of Stephanie but are stopped by Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston. All member of the Shield begin to retreat, rolling out of the ring and running through the crowd leaving Kofi, Team Hell No, and Alissa in the ring victorious.

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