Week 49: The Promising Fact

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The Usos vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

Rowan has the upper hand on Jimmy Uso as he smashes him into the corner causing more pain to his already injured mid-section. Meanwhile from the outside Bray Wyatt and the mysterious woman from last week are watching at ringside. In the ring, Rowan hits Jimmy with a fist to the chest and then lifts him to the top turnbuckle where he continues his fistfuls of hits on his chest along with a few headbutts. Rowan ties Jimmy's legs around the top turnbuckle, leaving him hanging upside down. Rowan backs up against the opposite corner and charges towards Jimmy but somehow Jimmy manages to get up the turnbuckle and leading Rowan into the bottom ring post shoulder first.

With the advantage, Jimmy jumps off the top rope and lands on Rowan giving him the chance to tag in his brother Jey and giving Rowan to tag in Harper. Jey gets to the rope and delivers a cross body to Luke Harper followed by a kick to the gut. Luke Harper counters with an Irish whip against the ropes but Jey manages to bounce back with a flying take down followed by another one then a kick finishing it off with a uppercut. Harper crawls to the corner which gives Jey the opportunity to double slam with his backside. Jey goes for the cover but only gets a two count when Rowan jumps into the ring to stop the count. Jimmy tries to get involved but Rowan knees him in the midsection and tosses him out of the ring. Jey manages to toss Rowan out of the ring while his attention is on Jimmy. Harper surprises Jey with a big boot to the face and a pin attempt but only gets a two count.

Harper drags Jey into the corner where he climbs the top rope and delivers a missile dropkick to his face followed by a Samoan drop. Jey gets to the top rope to perform a Samoan splash but Rowan jumps on the apron to distract the Uso. Jey manages to kick him off the apron and then hit him with a crossbody. Harper bounces off the ropes and delivers a suicide dive onto Jey. Suddenly Jimmy gets in the ring and hits Harper with a flying crossbody over the top rope. Jimmy rolls Harper into the ring as Jey follows on the apron and onto the top rope to deliver a Samoan splash but Harper manages to get his knees up to block the hit. Jey pushes Harper over the rop but Rowan is able to tag himself in and at the same time Jimmy come in but Rowan tosses him over the top rope.

Jey attempts to kick Rowan in the gut but he catch his leg and delivers a side slam hard on the mat. Rowan goes for the cover and get the win.

"Here are your winners...Luke Harper and Erick Rowan."

Bray gets out of his chair and gets in the ring followed by the mysterious woman. Harper and Rowan stand tall behind them as Bray gets a microphone to speak.

"I told you all that Stephanie's actions would not go unpunished." Brad laughs, "For Sister Abigail has sent out Kharma," He point the mysterious woman who attacked Stephanie Skye last week, "to bring an end to Stephanie along with her puppies. We left them in a pool in their own demise but knowing the Shield they won't go away without a war, which is what we are going to give them."

Later that night...

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

All four members of the Shield come down to the ring with anger on their face including Stephanie's.

Dean is the first on to speak on the mic, "Last week you saw something you don't see very often and you're not likely to see it again very often in the future where all four members of the Shield laid out flat on our backs. I'd give it to the Wyatt family they beat the hell out of us, but it's cool because we might go down but we don't stay down. We're up more than we're down and we're proving that right now by being here tonight. We came here in with one thing in mind and that is to get our hands on the Wyatt's!"

Dean begins his lunatic fringe as Seth Rollins takes the mic.

"If the Wyatt's, or Kharma for that matter, think we're running away from them...no no no, we are running to them and through them with everything we have. We would have gone out during their little introduction of Kharma and destroy them early but we wanted to learn a little bit more about her. I give the Wyatt's credit, they knew they can't beat us without taking Stephanie out of the equation first because they thought she was the game changer in this war but the truth is, with or without Kharma, nothing changes."

Seth hands the mic over to Roman, "A week ago, you victimized my brothers and my sister. You beat us to a pulp and left us out in the middle of this ring thinking that you won, but the problem is we haven't even begun to start this war. Once we get to serving our brand of justice on each and every one of you Wyatt's. I hope you can handle the justice we're going to serve to you because you'll learn how cold and slow we can ditch it out. "

Finally Stephanie takes the mic, "Kharma, I don't know who you are but since personally meeting you last week...I. Don't. Like. You. I don't care how much bigger you are than me but I know that you gonna feel first hand how big of a mistake you made targeting me. The next time I see you and get my hands on you, the security in the back will have to pry me off to stop me." She looks over at Dean and smiles, "You think Dean is the lunatic of the group? Just test me." Stephanie drops the mic and puts her fist in the center as Dean, Seth and Roman join in.

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