Week 11: I Want Payback

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Layla vs. Stephanie w/ the Shield

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

"And her opponent,being accompanied by Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, Shield member...Stephanie Skye."

Stephanie, along with the Shield, heads down to the ring. She enters alone as the members of the Shield stand in her corner. The bell rings and the match begins.

"Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends." Layla says.

Stephanie doesn't answer her, she simple grins and looks back at the Shield.

Layla shoves Stephanie's shoulders, "Hey, I'm talking to you."

"Here's my answer," Stephanie slaps Layla across the face causing her to lose her balance.

Layla attempts a clothesline on Stephanie but she dodges under it and retaliates with multiple forearm shots until Layla is backed up into a corner. Stephanie runs towards Layla but she manages to lift her foot up, kicking Stephanie in the chest. Layla gets on the top turnbuckle, but Stephanie is able to hit her with an enzuigiri causing her to fall. Stephanie sets her up for the Sunset Flip and it connects for the win.

Stephanie celebrates her first win as a Shield member with her group.

"The winner of this match...Stephanie Skye"

Team Hell No vs. the Prime Time Players

Darren Young has Daniel Bryan in a sleeper hold. Daniel is able to break the hold with elbows tot he stomach. He runs and bounces off the ropes and hits Darren with a flying clothesline and tags Kane into the match. Kane tosses Darren into both corners of the ring followed by clotheslines. He then picks him up for a side slam and a pin attempt but Darren manages to kick out.

Kane climbs up the turnbuckle and hits Darren with a diving clothesline. Then raises his hand for the chokeslam, but is cut off by Titus O'Neal. Kane manages to toss him out of the ring. Daniel Bryan manages tot hit Titus with a flying high knee off the apron. Kane hits Darren with a chokeslam then tags in Daniel Bryan for flying headbutt off the top rope for the win.

Suddenly Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns begin to attack Kane outside of the ring while Seth Rollins attacks Daniel Bryan inside the ring. Roman tosses Kane into the steel stairs hitting him shoulder first. Daniel Bryan begins to gain momentum on Seth but Stephanie jumps in with a high kick to the head. Now all four members of the Shield turn their attention to Daniel Bryan.

Then out of nowhere John Cena comes into the ring with a steel chair in hand. In the ring he hits Seth Rollins in the back then Roman Reigns in the gut. He then tackles down Dean Ambrose as Stephanie stands by. John tosses Dean out of the ring and turns his attention to Stephanie. They stare at each other for a long while until she rolls out of the ring and rejoins with the Shield as they make their way back up the stairs.

John asks for a microphone, "No, no, no you are not getting away that easily. You all have a fight coming. It will come at an appropriate time...let's say at the next pay-per-view Payback. Any match, any way I can get my hands on all of you. Now let that sink in and let me know next week."

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