Having Your Jelly Baby

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'Let's just say watching the love of your life getting married to your sister is a traumatic experience. That's probably why I sat there during their wedding reception tearing heads off of babies with my teeth. Jelly babies, of course, not real ones. I don't believe in cannibalism.'

The day of her sister's wedding Nova Hart spends venting her anger by gorging on jelly babies. She certainly doesn't expect to end up pregnant with a real one by the end of the night, let alone one whose father is flighty TV and film actor Drew Turner, who might just end up surprising her.

Author: nearlymorning

Rating: 10/10

Review: Even mistakes can lead to something beautiful and this book depicted that perfectly. An adorable story that truthfully had a very realistic ending compared to other books. The ending may not have been what I wanted but it brought you back to reality nevertheless. Love is about sacrifice and that is shown in Having Your Jelly Baby. It was a perfect book and has it's own comfortable space as a Bucket List Book.


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