Thrown Hearts

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Duncan Prescott is losing himself after being hidden away inside of his house for his own safety. So it's up to Evelyn Court, his friend and classmate to help him find it, even if she's falling for him even harder than before.

Author: citygates

Rating: 10/10

Review: Never have I encountered a boy as sweet and caring as Duncan - he really is a work of art in both personality and looks. The slow but evident burn of Evelyn and Duncan's relationship is admirable since after all those years Evelyn is introducing Duncan to the world and he trusts her to. It's a really cute book and I highly recommend for you to go read this Bucket List Book.


A/N - Hundred posts done, guys! Thanks for all the support - highly appreciate it. Please carry on reading the books that I recommend and many more, because without these fabulous authors Wattpad wouldn't be what it is today. A massive round of applause for our Wattpad authors!

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