The Boy (boyxboy)

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I'll take a quiet life
a handshake of carbon monoxide
with no alarms and no surprises


Rating: 10/10

Review: I hope the author knows that I'm coming for them because breaking the stone-cold heart of a teenager isn't correct. Jay and Ben are so adorable but even as they progress the motif of the story never left and reminded us about Jay's difficulties. Ben isn't someone you'd expect to discover in this time and age but by reading him you do realise that there are still nice people in the world who will make an effort to talk to you. One of the greatest parts of this book is the topic of guilt. Guilt will eat you away and make you do things you will regret forever. I need to have a serious conversation with the author about something that she did however I shan't tell you, otherwise that would be a spoiler. Anywho to get to the point The Boy has snuggled into a nice little place in my bookshelf as a Bucket List Book.


A/N - I've come to the realisation that the limit of chapters on Wattpad is only 200 so BLB is evidently coming to an end (weeps) but I had an idea for the last two chapters. I want to get to know you guys and I want you guys to get to know me so if you could comment some questions below and I'll answer them and then I'll ask my own set of questions for you on another page.

Comment below if you'd like that or just a 'TheAmbiguousOne's Top Ten Books' or both.

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