Black Velvet (boyxboy)

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"Black velvet in that little boy's smile."

Tobias Amadeus is built from sin. Pure, unadulterated, and absolute-- sin.His friends call him Toby. He's grown taller, firm, as handsome as everyone had expected. The man's dark eyes are open and honest when he speaks to the elders at church-- but wicked when night falls and he stumbles into his house, half boozed out of his mind. 

I don't know what had broken the Tobias from my childhood, the boy from behind the rose bushes that I'd held in such high regard. I suppose he could have been that way from the start. No one seems to notice it, the anger that storms behind the slate eyes. No one wants to take hold of his roots and check his petals for bruising.

Author: mythmouth

Rating: 10/10

Review: I love this story. Oliver and Toby are polar opposites but they blend really well. Oliver's softer personality numbs down Toby's harshness. I really love the use of different genres and issues that are circulating around this time and age. Issues like domestic abuse and sexuality are portrayed amazingly and I adore the writing style. Really well done and a definite Bucket List Book.


A/N - Thank you to StupidRave for the recommendation. 

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