*Chapter One*

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The dirty ally way was empty other than me and some spare trash floating through and being carried by the wind. Although I couldn't see anybody, the feeling of being watched made me grip my thin jacket closer to my body. My gut told me to turn back and take the long way home but I had a habit of being way too paranoid. I started walking a little faster as the chilly night air nipped at the exposed skin on my face and neck, my black tennis shoes making consistent soft noises as they hit the pavement. One foot after the other and you'll be home in no time, you've made this trip a hundred times.

 I was almost out of the ally when two men stepped in, blocking my exit. I spun around and started to run in the opposite direction but skidded to a halt as two more men stepped out and blocked the other end. I was officially surrounded. My chest tightened with dread and my eyes darted around trying to look for anything helpful.

 "What do you want?" I asked in my small voice.

 I couldn't see their faces in the shadowy night, but I could tell that they were all built from their silhouettes. I was only barely over 5 foot and they all were definitely over 6.

"We want you Kitten." a gravely voice echoed around the brick walls.

I shuddered in disgust at the nickname.

 "Well you can't have me." I answered boldly, surprising myself at how my voice didn't crack but also cringing as I realized how stupid it was to put any kind of sass or sarcasm into my words. My mouth had gotten me in trouble before and now was not the time for it to get me into trouble again.

"Oh, but I think I can." I could hear the smirk in his voice which only scared me more if that was even possible. I noticed my hands shaking as he stepped closer. He reached out to grab my arm but I brought my leg up and kneed him as hard as i could in between his legs. He hunched over in pain with a grunt and I took that as an opportunity to run like a bat out of hell to the side of the ally with only one guy. I tried to run past him but he roughly grabbed my arms as i tried to run by.

 "Get off!" I screamed as I struggled against his tight grip.

 He forcefully shoved me back into the ally and my back hit something. I spun around to see that 'something' was the man that had been talking to me before. He reached out, grabbed me, and pushed me against the cold brick wall of the ally. The rocky wall dug into my back as he shifted and pushed me back harder. It was obvious to see that I had definitely angered him. He shifted slightly and the street light illuminated his face a bit. It looked like he hadn't shaved for quite a while and you could definitely tell he smoked or did some sort of drugs by his yellowing teeth. 

A scream finelly escaped my throat but was cut off by his fist flying towards my face. My left cheek throbbed as his knuckles connected with my skin. He wrapped his hand around my neck and lifted me off the ground so high that I couldn't even touch with my toes. I clawed at his hand and was gasping for air but it was no use, he was to strong. My stomach turned and my chest tightened even more. I would feel my face tingling and blood pooling. I could feel my face turning red and he gripped harder.

"I'm not going to kill you because I have other plans for you, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun." he said with a smirk.

 He raised his arm to throw another punch at my face as my vision started clouding with black dots. His fist started sailing through the air towards my face as I shut my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. Instead I heard a grunt as I was suddenly dropped to the ground. My forehead hit the concrete and my hands automatically flung up to my throat. Gasping for breath and blinking rapidly to regain my vision, I felt a warm liquid trickle down my forehead. 

I reached up and swiped it away with my fingers and brought my hand down only to see it covered in blood. I looked up and saw a bunch of new guys attacking the other men. My breathing was quick and I was on the verge of a panic attack. I pushed it to the back of my mind as I stood up with my wobbling legs. One by one the first men got knocked out as I stood there frozen in fear. Only one guy was still conscious but I doubted that would last long.

 A punch was thrown at his face from someone who's back was toward me and right as his fist collided with his face, he went limp and fell to the ground. My vision was still a little cloudy but as he turned around my eyes went wide. It couldn't be. My head was probably playing tricks on me. Shock does that to people right? Makes them hallucinate?

 "Are you alright? What's your name?" he said in an all to familiar voice.

 I didn't think, I didn't respond, I just ran. I spun on my heal ignoring my body's protests, and started to run home as fast as I could. It started to rain right as I took off, the heavy ice cold drops hitting my skin and soaking my clothing. I cant get involved with him, he will only bring more trouble. I finally saw my house. Nobody was home like usual. I ran up to my door and unlocked it with shaking hands, almost dropping my keys more than once.

 I flung it open, stepped in, and slammed it shut. Locking both locks, I slid down with my back to the door and rested my head in my hands. My head was still spinning and I was exhausted. I could barely wrap my head around what had just happened, but there was one thing that I knew.

 I, Zoe Starr, was just saved by Zack Fuller.

 The baddest boy in town.

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