*Chapter Thirty Two*

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"Zack, how are we going to get home if everybody is drunk?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as the bottle opener got passed around to everybody to open their beers.

"Uh, we won't be drunk tomorrow?" he asked shrugging guiltily.

"And you didn't think to tell me that we wouldn't be going back tonight earlier?" I asked as the bottle opener was passed to me by Cameron who was on my right. I popped open my first beer as Zack smiled at me innocently.

"Surprise?" he shrugged putting his hands up. I flicked my bottle cap at his face and it hit him in the forehead. Cameron started laughing at us as he pulled a deck of cards out.

"You didn't tell her everyone was staying the night dipshit?" Cynthia said from across the fire that was burning steadily.

"I forgot?" he said shrugging but putting his hands in front of him so he could block anything she threw. Lucky for him, she just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in since that idiot is... well... an idiot." She said tossing a glare back at Zack. I smiled at her as I passed the bottle opener to Zack.

"Thanks." I said and Cameron spoke up again.

"Alright, rule overview for the newcomers." He said grinning. The rest of the boys smiled evilly knowing damn well everybody would be drunk off their asses by the time we were done with the game.

"We go around the circle pulling cards from the deck and have to do whatever the card means. Ace is waterfall, everybody chugs until the person next to them stops. It continues until somebody finishes their beer or everybody stops." He started making Cody pipe in.

"Good way to get everybody wasted." He said grinning.

"Two is you, you get to choose anybody in the group to take a drink. Three is me, that means you have to drink. Four is whores, ladies drink." He continued making Cynthia snort.

"Classy." She said making me laugh a little.

"Five is bust a Jive, one of my favorites. The person who picks the card has to do a dance move and then the person to their left has to add on to it. It continues around until somebody messes up. Comes in especially hands for blackmail once everybody is drunk off their asses." He said making Kyle cover his face with his hands.

"It was one time bro." he said shaking his head.

"Yeah, one time that you fell flat on your face and got a bloody nose." Cody added laughing at him.

"Anyways," Cameron cut in. "Six is dicks, all the guys drink. Seven is heaven. Everybody reaches up with both hands, last person to reach up drinks. Eight is mate, whoever picked it gets to pick a mate that drinks whenever they do. Nine is Rhyme. The person that picks the card says a word and people have to go around and find a word that rhymes with it. Person that can't come up with one or hesitates drinks."

"No saying orange." Sammy piped in.

"Ten is categories. They say a category, and everyone has to say something that belongs in it. Whoever hesitates drinks. Jack is basically a mini game of never have I ever. Everyone puts up three fingers, when you have to put down a finger, you drink. The game stops once somebody runs out of fingers to put down. Queen is questions, you popcorn questions to people until somebody can't come up with one or gets distracted. And last but not least, king. My personal favorite. Whoever pulls king, gets to make a rule up until another king is pulled. Whoever breaks the rule has to drink." He finished off smirking.

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