*Chapter Twenty One*

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I sat up and tossed my phone aside with a sigh as I sat up and stretched. Last night Zack had woken me up once we got to my house to drop me off. I basically just crashed once again when I got up to my room.

Julia was going to come by in about 10 minutes since she got home early this morning. I smiled at the fact that I would finally be able to see her again but also slightly dreaded it because of how much she would freak out about what I'd been up to since she left.

I lazily made my way downstairs and into the kitchen with a small smile on my face. My chest felt lighter than usual and I felt giddier. All in all, I was in a pretty good mood.

Yesterday was the best day I had in a while. No nightmares, no dealing with my mom, and no drama.

I slipped a tall glass down from the cabinet and filled it with cool water. I leaned against the counter and sipped on my water while thinking over yesterdays events. A bigger grin slipped over my face as I remembered some pretty hilarious moments like when Kyle pored ice water down Eric's shorts for stealing his before, or when Cody completely wiped out trying to catch Sammy who had kept jabbing him with a stick from a distance. They really don't get tired of messing with each other, do they?

The doorbell rang, snapping me from my thoughts. I slid my glass back on the counter and half walked half jogged over to the door. I swung it open and my best friend practically attacked me with a hug, almost knocking me over.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Her voice was muffled as she finally let go of me and stepped back. I grinned at her, looking over her appearance.

She was wearing plain white shorts with a simple black tank top that had jewels scattered around the neck. Julia had hair that was so light brown that it almost looked like a dirty blonde in certain lighting. Her Hazel eyes always held a spark of excitement in them and were framed by thick eyelashes with light freckles dusting her cheeks and small nose. She was about 3 inches taller than me, putting her at about 5'5. Her skin tanned easily and she was pretty thin. She always complained about not being as 'curvy' as I was but it suited her.

"Girls day?" I asked as we grinned at each other.

"Definitely, you have to catch me up on everything at school. What's the new gossip?" She asked kicking the door shut before grabbing my hand and pulling me up to my room.

"You know I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff Jules. Its pointless." I said as we both plopped down on my bed.

"Ugh, I gave you one job while I was gone." She flopped onto her back. "What else have you been doing this entire time? Hanging out with handsome boys on the beach?" She joked still laying down and staring at the ceiling.

"Well..." I trailed off knowing what was coming. She froze before slowly lifting her head and peering at me skeptically before her eyes widened and she shot up, making me jump back a little.

"What!?" she practically yelled.

"We didn't go to the beach though?" I offered cringing, knowing there wasn't any escape from the crazy eyed girl sitting across from me.

"Spill. Now." She demanded before I dived into everything that had happened. I left out a few detailes about my mom and some other things that I knew she would completely flip about.

Julie knew my mom and I 'didn't get along' and that she traveled a lot but she didn't quite know exactly everything that went on. She knew my dad was a touchy subject and we never really mentioned it. 

We met a little while after my dad left and became best friends almost instantly. Any time that she used to ask, I would just tell her that my dad doesn't stay with us anymore or something along those lines. She eventually realized that I didn't want to talk about it and that she wasn't going to get much more information and gave up.

"So you're telling me... that in the time I've been gone... you have befriended the 5 most badass, hot, scary, attractive, hot, troublesome, did I mention hot, bad boys in our school?" she asked with her jaw hanging open.

"Uh, yeah I guess so." I said sheepishly.

"I'm going to kill you." She said glaring at me.

"Why?" I asked holding my hands up innocently.

"Why couldn't you have waited until I was back? The one time something interesting happens to you- no offence- I'm not there to see it!" she yelled flopping back onto the bed with a groan.

"It's not my fault, I wasn't exactly looking to befriend them. Plus, we only hung out a couple of times." I defended myself shifting to the side with amused eyes.

"It's not fair, not only did you get one hot guy that saved your ass and swept in like a heroic night in shining armor, you got five." She whined flipping over and shoving her face into my pillow. I just shrugged.

"It's not like I wanted to be attacked by a creepy man in an ally way." I said flopping on to my back with her. She just huffed and sighed into the pillow.

"Maybe you'll be able to talk to them tomorrow at school." I suggested. That made her perk up right away and sit back up.

"Would you introduce me to them?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure." I said right before she squealed and attacked me with another hug. I laughed and pushed her off after a second. Sitting up, I grabbed my laptop and opened it up grinning at her.

"Wanna watch white chicks?" I asked as she returned my grin.

"Hell yeah I do."


Pretty short chapter but hey, you finally know what Julia is like. 



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