*Chapter Twelve*

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(literally like zero editing was done. I just wanted to post for you guys)



 We all started watching the movie, commenting about what was happening every once in a while. Cody and Kyle kept bickering about who would be the better actor and which one had better hair. In the middle of the movie Zack yelled at them to shut up and threatened to shave both of their heads while they slept. They went silent real quick. 

All of the guys seemed to have this chemistry with each other. They each messed with each other but you could tell they also respected each other. They messed around like brothers and bickered like old people but it was hard not to enjoy their company. I was leaning up against Zack with my knees up to my chest. I could feel his chest rumble when he would laugh and I would move slightly every time he took a breath.

I didn't mind though, if anything it was calming. After the movie finished, we sat talking about it along with some other unimportant things. Cody and Kyle continued their hair argument since the movie was over and Zack wouldn't yell at them again. It then morphed into a who is the overall hotter person, which then morphed into who was the strongest. They started arm wrestling with each other as I talked to Zack and Sammy.

 After a while I looked at my watch to see it was already almost 9:30. 

"I better get going, It's getting late." I said with a yawn at the end. Zack nodded and stretched.

"Are you going to come back soon?" Sammy asked Curiously. Sammy kind of constantly reminded you of a little kid. He had big eyes filled with emotions but he wasn't stupid. He has this airy yet smart aura around him. 

I smiled at him. "I'm sure you'll see me soon enough. We go to the same school remember?" I joked. That made him smile and nod happily. My muscles were starting to hurt from working out earlier. I knew it was going to be terrible tomorrow but I always embraced the soreness after a workout. I didn't work out often but when I did, I went all out. Its either all or nothing for me. I wanted to start working out more often though.

Zack and I stood up. The cold air surrounded me once again after being nice and warm next to Zack but I forced myself not to think about it. Pretty boys like him never went for ugly girls like me. Not that I would want him to anyways. Through out the day, I had forgotten that I should have been staying away from him. 

He definitely didn't seem as bad as everyone made him out to be. I knew he wasn't the stereotypical role model type but he also wasn't terrible. I had always told myself to not judge someone before you met them but I knew for a fact that he did some illegal stuff that I wanted to stay away from. I still want to be careful around him but I also wanted to maybe get to know him a little better. 

My thing kind of is that I like everybody until they give me a reason not to. Like for example, the girl in the café. She was completely rude and unprofessional so she got what was coming to her and that's that. I slipped on my shoes that I had kicked off right after we started the movie and walked over to the big oak looking door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see several missed calls and texts from my mom. I sighed and ignored them, slipping my phone back into my pocket. 

"Everything okay?" Zack asked leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.

 "Uh yeah, thanks for having me over. I had a nice time." I said politely. 

"I did too. Do you need a ride home?" he asked. I shook my head 

"Uh no thanks, I only live like two streets over." I replied. I was never fond of having people over to my house or even knowing where I lived. It left room for too many problems. Especially with my dad and now my mom. 

The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant