*Chapter Two*

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I stepped out of the shower and looked into the mirror. I had long brown hair with brown eyes. I'm 5'2 and pretty curvy. Not a stick but also not fat. Nothing really special about the way I look. It was the same old me other than the injuries. 

The left side of my face was slightly  swollen and pretty bruised. The green and blue tinged skin was accompanied by a gash on my forehead from where the concrete hit. There was a bruised hand print wrapping around my neck and my back had a few scrapes on it from the rough wall. I reached up to brush my face but cringed slightly as a sharp pain erupted. 

I got dressed in some blue skinny jeans and an oversized grey hoodie that would hopefully hide some of the bruising. I wore my hair down so it could also hide my face a bit more. Today would be much easier if I hadn't run out of foundation a week prior. I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter, slipped on my shoes, and stepped out the door. My plan for today was to keep my head down and avoid Zack and his group. I don't think he recognized me because we haven't once talked in all the years we attended the same school.

 It took about fifteen minutes to get there because of the pace I was going at. I was really dreading going in there so I wasn't exactly in a rush. I pushed open the heady doors and walked though. I fought my way through the crowds of students and right as the three minute bell went off, I made it to my locker.

 I quickly grabbed my books and rushed to my first period. Math. My least favorite subject. I walked in just in time and took my seat in the back as the teacher droned on about algebra. I zoned out and started day dreaming within the first ten minutes.


I managed to get through 4th period and now it was lunch. There was gossip around the school that Zack and his 'gang' as everybidy refered to them as, were looking for somebody. Nobody really knew who but me. Because there was a 95 percent chance they were looking FOR me. Whenever I saw them in the hallways I would turn around or keep my head low as they passed, and when we had a class together I would sit as far away as possible and made sure they didn't have a view of my face.

 So far none of the teachers have said anything about my hoodie which is quite odd but my two strictest teachers were out for the day. I'm so glad that my best friend Julia (or Jules as I like to call her) was on vacation or I would have some serious explaining to do. I don't think I would have enough energy for all of that since I barely slept at all last night.

 I grabbed my food from the canteen and slipped into the library since that's where I usually eat any way. I set my pencil case down next to me and started on some of my homework. The bell rang so I sprung up and continued on with my day.


The end of the day finally rolled around and I was walking home after having to stay longer and retake a quiz. I was about two minutes away from the school before I realized I had left my pencil bag at the library. I sighed and turned back. It was going to get dark and chilly pretty soon so I had to hurry. Within a couple of minutes I was back at the entrance of school.

 Basically everyone had gone home and only a few teachers and the odd student were left. I hurried to the library and looked where I thought I had left it. It wasn't there so I looked all over the library. By the time I realized it would probably be in the lost and found I had already been there for fifteen minutes. 

I started the walk to the other side of the school where the lost and found bin was. I dug around in it for ten minutes before I found it under a pile of coats. I shoved it into my back pack and looked out the window. It was already about to be dark so I slipped out the back door. 

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