*Chapter Seventeen*

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We ended up pulling off onto a side road behind the other car that had the 3 other boys in it. We were pretty much in the middle of the woods and we all ended up getting distracted and talking for a while. Cody's nose stopped bleeding and he was back to his annoying self. Sam was in a happy mood as usual and all the boys were wearing their swim trunks with a tee shirt.

"Would anybody care to explain what we're doing here now?" I asked when I finally remembered that I still had no clue why we were here.

"You'll see." Zack said again while trying to hold back his laughter as I glared at him.

"We are literally here, why won't you just tell me what we're doing?" I asked again.

"Well technically we're not there quite yet." Sam piped in.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I threw my hands up in the air exasperated.

"Nothing really" Cody added too.

"Well, you heard the girl, let's go!" Sam said as he picked up his bag.

I was already sweating from the heat and if we weren't in the shade, I probably would have already been sun burnt. Everyone else picked up their bags including me and we all started walking down a trail. Eric was in the front and Sammy and Kyle were in the middle while Zack and I fell to the back. Kyle turned around and started walking backwards so he could talk and look at me.

"Hey Zoe, you should walk in the front." he said with a smirk.

"Why? So you can stare at her ass the entire time?" Zack shot back. I let out a small laugh.

"Yup." Kyle responded with a goofy grin. Zack sighed and laughed a little with me.

"Get a life bro." Zack said shaking his head.

Kyle shrugged and went to say something else but tripped on a root that was sticking out in the pathway and stumbled back. He caught himself from falling but started walking forwards after taking one last glance back at us with a smile. Zack chuckled at him and shook his head once again

"Sorry about them, I swear some days they make bets to see who can mess with people the most." He said as he stepped over a fallen tree and held his hand out to help me over.

I smiled at him before replying. "It's fine, I like being around them, they're entertaining." he smiled at me again.

"Yeah, that they definitely are."

After walking another 10 minutes of stepping over rocks and tree branches, we came out into a large clearing. I gasped as I saw how beautiful everything looked. There was a medium sized lake stretching out across the huge open area. I looked over to see Zack standing there with a huge grin on his face looking at me waiting for a reaction. a huge smile spread cross my face as I looked back at the shimmering water.

"It looks amazing." I said as the rest of the boys took off racing to the sandy area around the lake.

"Come on, I'll race you." Zack said as we both grinned at each other and took off. I ran as fast as I could and made it to the sand a few seconds after Zack even though I knew he wasn't running his fastest. The boys were already flinging their bags down and kicking their shoes off. Zack and I did the same. The warm sand seeped through my toes as I sank down slightly.

"We'll come here in the summer quite a bit, we've been coming for a few years now." Kyle said as he slipped off his shirt to reveal a nice six pack and some tanned skin.

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