*Chapter Forty Nine*

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Picture of bottom floor! ^^^


Wind threw my hair that was sticking out of my helmet around as Zack expertly winded around the paved roads. We pulled up to the warehouse and Zack killed the bike. I threw my leg over and pulled off the helmet, setting it on my seat as I finger combed through my hair.

"You ready?" he asked and I nodded as we headed over to the warehouse door. We had decided to come here and workout after I had bribed Cynthia out of killing me. Why Zack chosen today of all days to workout was beyond me, my limbs already felt tired from the previous night of drinking.

Zack unlocked the warehouse door and pushed it open, stepping in and flicking on the light switch. The lights clicked on to reveal the large warehouse filled with equipment.

"You never told me how you could afford this place." I said as I stepped in and shut the door behind me as Zack walked over to the back of the building by the punching bags nd mats to dump his bag.

"I inherited some money and my uncle who's my legal guardian is pretty well off too. This place used to be open to the public but a few months ago we had some structural issues so we had to put a pause on everything. Its all fixed now but I haven't had the time to reopen it." He said and I nodded slowly.

"Your uncle is your legal guardian?" I asked and he hesitated for a second.

"Yeah, he's all of our legal guardians." He said and I stood there stunned.

I saw him tense up so I decided to just drop it before I pried too much. He would tell me if he wanted to.

"So, what are we starting with?" I asked and I saw him loosen up a little bit before he turned around and smiled at me.

"First we have to stretch so we don't... ya know, die. But then I figured I would let you choose." He said and I shook my head at him.

"Maybe I can beat your ass for the second time." I said, a smirk stretching over my face as he rolled his eyes.

"I let you off easy that time, don't get too cocky." He said and then started to stretch. I did the same and started to warm up. He reached over for a remote I hadn't seen before and pointed it to a stereo. It came to life and he turned up the rock music that had started to flow through the speakers with a grin.

"Ready to get all hot and sweaty?" he asked with a smirk and I smirked back at him.

"Sure, but is Kyle coming? I need a real challenge."

His smirk instantly dropped as mine grew.

"So-" I stood up straight "What's first?"


I think Zack's revenge for me was to pretty much try and kill me with exercise. He rolled me off of him on the mat and pinned my arms down.

"Come on, you've got to do better than that Ms. Cocky pants." He said an I let out a huff of air, blowing a strand of hair that had fallen out of my pony tail away from my face.

I used all of my strength to knock his knee out to the side and roll him over but he had other plans and rolled me over once again so I was on my back beneath him.

"This isn't fair, you weigh like twice as much as me." I said with an exasperated huff as I ripped my hands away as he tried to gain control over them.

"Life's not fair kitten." He said and I looked up to his sweat covered face. He brought his arm up and wiped his forehead, giving me and opportunity to shove him off. He landed on his side with a thud as I tried to quickly scoot away but I wasn't fast enough. He sat up and grabbed my waist, pulling me back towards him.

My back hit his chest as he wrapped his arm lightly around my neck.

"Boom, you're dead." He whispered in my ear and I let out a huff.

"I don't know, I look pretty alive to me." I said and he shook his head.

I squealed as he quickly spun me around and pinned me to the mat, holding himself up on his elbows.

"You are impossible." He said and I smiled.

"Am I now?" I said and he shook his head, a small smile growing on his face.

"Am I annoying you? Should have killed me when you had the chance huh?" I asked with a small laugh and his chest shook as he held in his laughter.

"Shut up kitten." He said and I tilted my head slightly.

"Make me." I said and his eyes met mine.

Before I could even think, his head lowered and his lips crashed into mine. My eyes fluttered shut and I moved my mouth against his. His hand came up and touched my cheek right as I brought my right hand up and curled it into his messy brown hair. An odd feeling fluttered up into my chest as his lips moved against mine.

What felt like hours later, he pulled away, his breath coming out slightly ragged and matching mine as I blinked my eyes open. I looked up into his steely eyes and noticed flecks of what almost looked like silver floating in them. His dark lashes framed his hooded eyes that trailed along my face, as if taking in every detail before his deep raspy voice met my ears.

"I think I found my favorite way to shut you up."


There you go, they did the smooch smooch. Gonna be honest I struggled so much with that and just cringed the entire time so it's okay if you did too. I didn't even read over it much for mistakes so sorry if it's horrible.



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