*Chapter Five*

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Zoe's P.O.V

I shifted as I floated in between being asleep and awake. My bed felt softer than usual and my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. I pried my eyes open a bit and jerked up looking around. I was definitely not in my room. I was in a big king sized bed with a navy blue comforter. 

To my left, there was a desk with papers and a laptop on it and a door, and to my right, there was a navy couch. There was a big flat screen TV on the wall in front of me, with a dresser under it and another door. 

The walls were dark grey and there were a couple windows with the shades drawn. I could smell something familiar but couldn't quite place it. I tried to remember what happened last night and I finally remembered that I had probably fallen asleep on the roof top.

 I started panicking thinking about where I could be right now. I looked down and sighed when I noticed I still had my original clothes on but my hoodie was gone. Right as I was about to get out of the bed, I heard voices outside of the door, making me freeze. 

The door knob started to twist and before I could do anything someone stepped into the room with their back facing me. They closed the door slowly like they were trying to be quiet. They turned around and set something on a dresser before they looked up.

 My eyes went wide when I saw who it was. "Oh hey, you're awake." Zack said as he took a couple of steps closer to me.

 "What happened, why am I here?" I asked, pulling the blanket closer to me as I looked at him to make sure he wasn't going to try anything. 

"I found you on the roof of a building. I took you back here so nobody else found you. Plus you were freezing." he said as he walked closer and I shifted further away in the bed. I nodded my head slowly as he went over and put another paper on his desk from his pocket.

 He was wearing long flannel pajama pants and what looked like a jacket. It was still pretty dark in the room and as if reading my mind, he started opening the blinds. When he turned around, I realized that he indeed was wearing an unzipped jacket. My eyes went wide as I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath and I had a clear view of his six- more like eight pack. I snapped my eyes up to his face that was smirking at me from catching me checking him out. My face heated up as I finally spoke in a quiet voice.

 "Do you have a bathroom?" but right as I said that I immediately regretted it from his sarcastic response.

 "No, we shit in the backyard." he said with his signature smirk and a little chuckle. Me face probably looked like a tomato by now as he pointed to the door next to him. I swung my legs out of the bed and noticed my bag laying on the ground next to me.

 I scooped up the bag and started walking to the bathroom, staying a couple feet away from the boy that happened to keep popping up in my life. He took a step towards me and I flinched back. He gave me a little questioning look but I slipped into the bathroom before he could talk. 

I sighed and leaned my elbows on the counter and rested my head in my hands. I looked up and saw how I looked. I had tear stains on my cheeks and my hair was a mess. I reached down into my bag and pulled out the little collapsible brush I always kept with me. I washed my face real quick and brushed my hair. My mind wandered back to Zack but I snapped myself out of it because it didn't matter. 

Ugly girls like me don't get guys like him, and even if he did want me, I couldn't let him in. He would only cause problems. Not that i would want him anyways. He was definitely not my type. I finished up and stepped back out into Zack's room. He had on black jeans and was slipping on a dark blue shirt. When he heard me shut the bathroom door, he looked up and started to speak. 

"I never got your name.." he trailed off. I thought for a second about telling him, but I knew he would just find it out another way if I didn't tell him.

 "Zoe. I've got to go though, thanks for bringing me here." I said in my quiet voice, trying to get as far away from this house as possible. I mean, why would he even bring me here? The obvious answer was because maybe he was being nice but Zack Fuller definitely not known for being nice. In fact, he was known for being the opposite of nice.  He raised his eyebrows at me and ran his hand through his medium length hair that looked almost black if it wasn't in direct sunlight before he started to speak in his deep but smooth voice.

 "Do you even know where 'here' is?" I looked to the ground for a second as I hiked my bag up further on my shoulder. 

"I'll figure it out" I mumbled as I started to make my way to the door on the other side of the room. He started walking behind me and said 

"You could just stay here, roof girl." I raised an eyebrow at the name as I opened his bedroom door and stepped out into the hallway.

 "Uh no thanks, I've got to be somew-" before I could finish my sentence, I was knocked to the ground and something landed on me.


Sorry i haven't updated in a long time, I went on a little trip and was super busy. This story will be slowly updated because i usually have a bunch of stuff to do all the time. I hope you guys like it so far and I might update twice tonight to make up for my absence.

:3 xoxo 


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