*Chapter Twenty Two*

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The warning bell rang as I grabbed my math book out of my locker. I trudged to my class and walked in before the final bell even rang. I went and took my seat in the back corner of the class and dropped my book on my desk. What am I ever even going to use this stuff for? I'm fine with every other class but I can't concentrate, and it takes a lot for me to even tolerate math. I guess it doesn't help that my teacher is basically the Grinch either.

He was sitting in the front of the class with his wire glasses perched up on his thin nose. Mr. Johnson looked up as the bell rang and glanced around. His head snapped to the door as Julia busted through it.

He gave her a look that said she was already on his last nerve and she just gave him a guilty smile before sliding into a seat that was across the room from me since all the other seats were already taken. If that were me walking in even a second late, he probably would have given me a detention.

Unfair old man.

I tried to pay attention as he started his lesson although my thoughts kept bouncing around.

The bell finally rang after 45 minutes of sitting in that awful classroom. Now I just have to get through the rest of the day.

Lunch finally rolled around, and I walked to the cafeteria with Julie. Julie was the only one in my first class. I had Zack and Sam in my second, Eric and the 3 girls who thought they were queens in my third, just the queens in my forth, Zack and Kyle in my fifth, and then I had lunch with everyone.

After lunch I had Zack, Cody, and the queen bees in my seventh which was gym, nobody in my eighth and then I had a free period that Zack and Eric also had. I was glad I had managed to get my free period as my last because that meant I could pretty much go home early and avoid the masses of people at the end of the day.

Julie and I chatted as we walked, and I told her where to meet me after she had gotten her food. I had shoved a sandwich and a water in my bag this morning before I ran out the door so at least I didn't have to eat the awful overpriced 'food' the school provided.

"Hey Zoe, wait up!" I heard someone yell over to me. I spun around looking for the voice that had called for me and my eyes finally settled on Cody's face. He was jogging over to me and I smiled at him as he finally reached me.

"Hey Cody." I said looking up into his hazel eyes that were more towards the brown side under the florescent lights in here.

"Where is a pretty lady like you heading to?" he asked with a smirk. Typical Cody. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Outside to eat." I answered as I saw Sammy walking over happily with a slight skip to his step.

"Oh cool, where are we sitting?" he asked with his smirk still stuck to his face. I raised an eyebrow at him and was going to respond but I was wrapped in a strong hug before I could get any words out. I panicked for a second but relaxed and hugged Sam back once I realized it was him. He pulled away and grinned at me.

"Hey Zoe, I missed you!" he said almost bouncing on his feet.

"You saw me 2 days ago." I said but he just looked around excitedly. Looked like somebody drank a gallon of energy juice this morning.

"I know. Where are we sitting for lunch?" he asked looking over his shoulder to and an approaching Eric who had a lunch tray in his hands.

"Hey Eric, and outside. Julie is going to be sitting with us though." I said greeting Eric and answering Sam's question.

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