*Chapter Twenty Eight*

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Like shield your eyes, children running screaming levels of unedited.



I woke up with a content sigh. Warmth encased me, and I was on my left side all snuggled in. Something next to me was moving slightly and I shifted, huddling into the warmth more. My brain started to gradually wake up and I remembered the events that took place last night- or should I say early this morning. I peeled my eyes open and came face to face with a toned tan chest. A heavy arm was draped across my waist.

I blinked the sleep from my eyes and looked up to Zack's peaceful looking face that was resting on his right arm and was only about an inch from mine. He was still asleep, and I could see his eyes darting around behind his eyelids. His lips were parted slightly as he breathed softly. I stared at his face for a second, my eyes scanning over his features while I still could.

I blushed slightly when I remembered what position we were in. My arms were curled up to my chest and I was snuggled into his. Our legs were tangled together, and his arm was wrapped around me, holding me close to him. I looked at his sleeping face one last time before slowly scooting away. I lifted his arm up and placed it in front of him as gently as I could. I untangled my legs from his and quietly slipped out of the bed.

He didn't move at all which I expected because he was probably hungover. I walked over to the other side of the bed and bent down, picking up the cup he had spilled before. The floor was still slightly damp, but I just walked around it and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I filled up the cup and climbed back up the stairs, popping back into the room. I set the cup down on the nightstand and slipped into my bathroom.

I did my business, brushed my hair and teeth, washed my face quickly and grabbed the aspirin out of the cabinet. I dumped two into my hand before exiting the bathroom and setting them down next to the water. Zack was still sound asleep in the same position that I left him in. I felt kind of bad for slipping out, but I figured he wouldn't want to wake up like that.

The covers were pulled up to about belly button level and my eyes grazed over his bare back. You could see the smooth dips outlining his muscles. I could see a few scars on his back and a larger one just barely poking out on his right side that was sunken into the bed. I tore my eyes away from him and silently made my way downstairs.

I looked at the clock in the kitchen to see it was almost ten.


Good thing it was a weekend, or I think Zack and probably me too, would be miserable.

I started opening cabinets and drawers and getting out everything I needed for pancakes. I was about to start before I realized I should probably bring Zack's clothes up because if he woke up and started coming down the stairs in just his boxers and asking where his clothes were, it might be a little awkward. I blushed slightly at the thought and quickly made my way into the laundry room before pulling his clothes out and folding them neatly in a pile.

I crept upstairs again and peaked into the room before fully entering. Zack had rolled over onto his back and was spread out on the bed with his right arm slung over his eyes. I placed his stack of clothes on the nightstand before making my way back downstairs and making the pancakes.

45 minutes later, I was dishing up the pancakes and eggs I had made when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Zack appeared, and my eyes met his as I smiled at him. He smiled sheepishly before making his way over to the other side of the counter.

"Mornin'?" he said rubbing the back of his neck with a guilty grin. I just laughed at him a little.

"Morning." I replied as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Look Zoe, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bother you, I was... well, drunk." He said with a nervous chuckle at the end.

"It's fine Zack, honestly. I also have something to hold over you now." I said grinning as he groaned.

"Oh God, please don't." he laughed rubbing his head.

"You're very pretty Zoe. I wish I could hang out with you all day. You're my favorite girl." I imitated him and any tension that was in the room vanished.

"Oh, come on, although that stuff's true, I do not sound like that. And if you're trying to hold that over me, it's not going to work. I don't regret anything I said." He said winking, making my face heat up a little.

"Well if that won't work, you almost face planted, and you completely fell when you sneezed." I said smirking and he just shook his head.

"I'm not the most coordinated drunk, but I've done worse." He replied. I just rolled my eyes before looking down to the food I had just plated.

"Pancakes?" I asked not mentioning anything else about his drunk self, grinning.

"You know something Zoe? You're the best." He said matching my grin as we bot sat down at the table and started eating. Well me eating, him practically inhaling his food. He finished his last bite and sip of water that I had gotten for him and smiled up at me as I just looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Did you even taste any of that?" I asked amused.

"What can I say? I'm a growing boy." Is all he responded with. I laughed as I grabbed his plate and placed it in the sink.

"Are you doing anything today?" he asked watching me as I made my way back over to him.

"Nope, why? Can't get enough of me?" I asked winking.

"Well you did sneak out on me this morning, got to make up for lost time somehow." He said grinning. I scoffed at him and shook my head.

"Although you still haven't changed so I guess that makes up for it a little." He added as his eyes slid up my legs and torso before finally meeting my own. I was sure my face looked like a tomato as he winked at me. Gosh what was with me and blushing lately? I just turned around and started making my way up the stairs.

"Thanks for the reminder, I'll go do that now." I said and I could hear him snicker.

"Can I watch?"

"Shut it Fuller." I said using his last name.

"Ouuuu, I'm so scared." He joked right before I stepped into my room and shut the door.

Today is going to be interesting.


Ya'll, I am thinking about shaving my head for st. Baldrick's head shaving event to raise money for childhood cancer. I mean if it turns out bad and I'm going to look terrible for a while then why not do it for a good reason right? I am still undecided though, if I don't shave I will be donating but if i do, it will be in the end of April. Gah, I'm gonna die. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, another one coming tonight or tomorrow.




The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu