*Chapter Thirty*

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Aye, chapter thirty!



The next day, or I should the next few days, everything was back to normal. Well, as normal as it could possibly be with everyone in the group. Julie ended up acting like the phone call never even happened, so I guess that's good.

I shoved my history book back into my locker and swung the loud metal door shut. I had told Zack and Kyle that I was going to drop my books off before I met back up with them at our usual table again since it was lunch time. I slipped into the bathroom quickly and did my business before washing my hands and going to step out when the door swung open.

Deja vu much?

Sarah's piercing eyes met mine and she stopped laughing, a frown settling on her face.

"How's the little pig doing? Gosh it's got to be hard going through life like you." She fake pouted at me making me raise my eyebrow.

"I mean it must be difficult being ugly and dumb right?" she said laughing along with the two other girls by her side. Were they ever apart?

"I don't know, is it?" I asked making her face harden.

"Do you want to know why you're dumb?" she asked stepping towards me.

"Not really." I said acting uninterested as I fake yawned.

"It's because you're messing with me and anybody with even half a brain would be able to see how bad of an idea that is. You obviously haven't paid any attention to my warning." She said glaring daggers at me.

"What warning?" I asked innocently.

"My warning to stay away from Zack you bitch." She said grabbing my arm. I yanked it back out of her grip and glared back at her.

"He obviously isn't interested in you, I don't see why you keep wasting your time trying to change that. And don't touch me, or else you won't be the one 'warning' me." I spit out before I shoved past her and pushed past the heavy wooden door.

I glanced down at my arm as I walked over to the doors that led outside to see a red scratch on my wrist from her ridiculously long fake nails. I met the fresh air with a scowl and made my way over to the table before plopping down in my usual spot on the end with Zack on my left.

"Woah, someone's not happy." He teased while bumping my shoulder and making the corners of my lips turn up. I just playfully glared at him before unwrapping my usual sandwich and taking a bite.

"What happened to your arm?" Eric said from across the table. Damn, nothing gets past him, does it?

"Someone's got a little crush on Zack." I said looking up to him amused yet still slightly annoyed.

"Sarah?" Kyle asked looking annoyed.

"Yup." I said popping the P. Zack reached over and grabbed my arm, bringing it over to him so he could examine at it as a scowl appeared on his face. I let him look at it for a second before gently pulling it away.

"It's fine, just a little scratch. What's up with her anyways?" I asked before taking another bite of my food. Cody let out a humorless laugh.

"She's creepy, that's what's up with her." He said rolling his eyes. I swallowed my food and looked at him with a blank look on my face.

"Care to elaborate?" I said sarcastically.

"She wants to get into Zack's pants. Ever since she first saw him, she staked her creepy little 'claim' over him." Cody said with a mouthful of food. I just nodded slowly and continued to eat.

"Well, maybe you can tell her to chill or something." I said looking over to Zack who was still frowning.

"Trust me, I've tried. She's persistent, I'll give her that." Zack said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Well why is she throwing a fit at me and not at Zack?" I asked with a sigh.

"Because she's jealous." Eric said making me look over to him. I raised my right brow looking unconvinced.

"Well there's nothing for her to be jealous about here." I said before gathering up all my trash in a ball.

"What do you mean?" Zack asked looking over to me as I stood up to go throw away my garbage. I just shrugged and started to walk the ten feet distance to the trash can. I tossed it in and turned around to see Zack still watching me carefully. I have him a small smile and at back down. I saw Julie walking over to the table and smiled at her.

"Whatever, it doesn't really matter. Anybody have any weekend plans?" I asked, and everyone's moods instantly brightened. Julie made it to the table and picked up on my last sentence.

"Oh, weekend plans?" she asked sliding in next to Kyle who turned and smiled at her.

"Yep. Oh, that reminds me. A friend of ours is having a pool barbeque type thing tomorrow, do you guys want to go?" Zack asked slinging his arm around my shoulders. I just laughed as he playfully swayed us back and forth a little.

"You know you want tooo." He said in my ear as the boys just smirked at us. I jokingly hit his arm off of me and smiled at him.

"Fine I'll go." He grinned at me as the words left my mouth. I turned to Julie and ignored the way her lips turned back up quickly as she noticed me looking.

"Are you going?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Sure." She said happily.

"Alright. Well it starts at 4 and ends whenever everyone's blood alcohol levels are higher than their GPA." Cody said with an evil grin.

"Well that won't take long for you, maybe a beer or two." Eric said trying to keep in his smug smile.

"Well at least I'll be able to reach mine, you'll be dead before you even get close to yours." Cody shot back but paused when he realized his mistake.

"Not exactly an insult there buddy." I said with a humorous voice.

"Whatever, shut up." He mumbled before shoving his food into his mouth.

"Well I'm down as long as I don't have to deal with sad drunk Zack again. He almost cried over spilt water." I said grinning at him and he just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Zack isn't usually a sad drunk, you'll see how he's really like." Kyle said mischievously.

Great. This outta be fun.


Next two chapters are gonna be fun to write, hopefully theyre fun to read too. ;)



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