*Chapter Forty Eight*

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GUYS, I made the boys' house in the sims so I could make sure I knew where everything was and so you guys wouldn't be confused so here it is. I only put the rooms that have been mentioned in the story so any new rooms wouldn't be confusing. Also, the house in the sims is bigger then their actual house, (The downstairs especially looks way bigger) it was just easier to lay it out by making it bigger. Also, I didn't give anybody closets except Zack, whoops. (Ill put the downstairs one in the next chapter)


The next morning I woke up on Zacks couch with a pounding headache. After laying there for a minute, I sat up with a soft groan as the world spun slightly. I glanced over to see Zack sound asleep on the other side of the couch. Cameron was sprawled out in between us and I smiled at the two. I glanced around, not seeing anybody else around. I got up and headed to the kitchen to grab some water.

I shuffled around through the drawers for a minute and eventually came up with some aspirin. I took some with my water then brewed a pot of coffee and waited.

20 minutes later and my headache was just about gone with the mixture of dugs and coffee fighting it. I let a small mischievous smirk settle on my face as I stood up from the kitchen table and made my way back into the living room.

The two boys were still fast asleep so I walked over to Zack and pulled out my phone. I quickly took a picture of his sleeping face and set it as his contact photo before setting my phone down on the coffee table and turning back towards him.

I counted to three in my head before leaping on top of him with a small yell.

I made sure to not land anywhere too bad, I wasn't that evil.

His eyes shot open and he grabbed my arms with wide eyes. He let out a groan once he realized it was me and let his eyes slip shut again.

"Morning!" I chirped louder than necessary and he let out another groan, trying to twist around on his stomach. I avoided falling off the couch and just slid around so I was pretty much sitting on his butt and put my hands on his back.

"What? Not a morning person?" I asked smirking as I traced patters on his back.

"Not today." He mumbled and a small smile spread over my face.

"What if I told you I made breakfast?" I asked and he lifted his head up and tried to look back at me.

"You did?" he asked adorably and I smirked.

"Nope." I said and he groaned, dropping his head back down into his pillow. I let out a laugh and continued tracing patterns on his back.

"But I'm about to so you might want to start waking up so you get some before everybody else does." I said and I saw the corners of his lips turn up.

"I'll try." He said and I smiled, tracing a dick on his back a few times over. His eyebrows scrunched up and then his smile dropped as he swatted at my hand. I let out a laugh and then scooted off of him, standing up and making my way to the kitchen.

"Aspirin and water are on the coffee table." I said right as I exited the room and walked to the kitchen.

"Now all I have to do is cook for a small army of hungover teenagers, should be easy, right?" I mumbled to myself as I looked around the kitchen.


An hour later and most of everyone was sitting at the table eating. I glanced around at all of the hungry boys stuffing their faces.

"This is just as good as Eric's cooking." Sam said and sent a grin over to me as everyone made noises of agreement.

"Where's Kyle and Cynthia?" I asked and Cameron shrugged.

"Check up in Kyle's room." Cody said with a smirk and wink in my direction.

"Bring a camera if you want some good blackmail." Zack said and I grinned.

"No way am I going up there alone though." I said and Zack stood up after taking his last bite of food. He threw his plate and fork into the sink an we both made our way up the stairs. Zack reached the top and took a right.

I realized I had never been in anyone's room except Zack's as we walked down the hallway. Zack stopped at the last door on the right and put his finger to his lips. I nodded and he slowly opened the door and stepped in.

I followed and entered Kyle's room to, sure enough, see Cynthia and Kyle curled together on his bed, fully clothed thank god.

This time I was the one to shush Zack as he tried not to laugh. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures of them. Cynthia was curled up with her back to Kyle who had his arm wrapped around her and his face tucked into her shoulder.

I stifled a laugh as I glanced around the room quickly taking it in. It was pretty plain and just had a bed, a dresser, and a desk with a computer on it. I winked at Zack before stepping closer to the sleeping pair and clearing my throat loudly. Cynthia stirred but Kyle stayed dead asleep.

She peeled her eyes open and I could see a small smile slip onto her face. I shuffled my feet and that made her blink her eyes open and look towards me. Her eyes went wide and I snapped another picture.

"Don't you dare." She whispered trying to wiggle away from Kyle without waking him up.

An evil smirk grew on my face as I got my camera ready for what I was about to do next. Her eyes widened as I winked at her and started to talk way louder than necessary

"Oh my god Cynthia and Kyle, what are you doing?!" I exclaimed making Kyle snap awake and Cynthia jump away from him as I took several pictures. Zack busted out laughing at the two and put his fist over his mouth trying to stifle his laughter.

"What?" Kyle said rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Cynthia panicked and then glared at me.

"I'm going to kill you!" She yelled as she lunged forward and I jumped back. I let out a little scream as I ran out of his room and downstairs, Cynthia hot on my tail. I locked my phone quickly so she wouldn't be able to delete the pictures as I made it to the bottom and ran into the kitchen.

Luckily, she slowed down, probably from the attack of bright light shining into her eyes as she turned the corner. I grabbed Cody who was putting his plate into the sink and pulled him in front of me.

"What?" he asked trying to turn around but I held him in front of me.

"Help, she's trying to kill me." I said as Cynthia stormed into the room.

"I'm going to kill you!" She yelled with a dark look on her face as she saw me hiding behind Cody.

"Oh no." 





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