*Chapter Forty One*

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My head throbbed and my throat was dry when I started to wake. I dragged my hand up and rubbed my eyes as I rolled over with a groan.

"Looks like sleeping beauty has a hangover." I heard a voice say making me shoot up in panic. I squinted in the bright light but my eyes eventually focused on Zack who was sitting at his desk on his laptop.

Once I realized it was him, I calmed and slowly sat up rubbing my face, trying to lessen the pain in my head.

"Water and ibuprofen are on the night stand." He said and I looked over. I grabbed the water and two pills and drank half of the glass before taking the pills and drinking some more. I set the glass back down and scooted back so I was leaning up against the headboard.

"Thanks, what time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Almost 10:45. I expected you to sleep longer though." He said and my eyes went wide.

"Jeez." I said and yawned as Zack stood up and took a few steps over to the bed.

"Eric is making breakfast right now, do you want to go down in a minute?" he asked and I nodded.

"Sure, let me just go to the bathroom first." I said swinging my legs out of bed and giving him a small smile before ducking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I did my business and washed my hands before taking a hair tie from off my wrist and tying my hair up in a bun.

I splashed water on my face and patted it dry before looking up into the mirror. I actually didn't look as bad as I thought I would. I did have slight bags under my eyes but other than that, I looked pretty normal. I glanced down to the counter and thought back to last night. I smiled slightly thinking about his taking off my makeup but froze when I remembered him seeing the texts from my mother.

God, stupid Zoe.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I rested my face in my hands for a second before sighing and straightening up. I pulled down the over sized shirt I was wearing before giving my reflection one last glace before exiting the bathroom. Zack was pulling on a different shirt and turned around to smile at me.

"Good, I was starting to think you fell in." He said and I rolled my eyes slightly, my head still hurting from the bright light.

"Ha, ha." I said before smiling at him. We both made our way out the door and downstairs. We turned into the kitchen and dining room area to see the rest of the boys sitting at the table talking and waiting for the food. Sammy was the first to see me and brightened up.

Oh no.

"Zoe! I didn't know you were here!" he said loudly and I cringed slightly before smiling at him. Everybody else looked towards me and either smiled or gave me curious looks.

"Easy on the volume there Sammy." Zack said guiding me over to a seat. I plopped down and tucked my legs up under myself.

"Is she hungover?" Cody asked with raised brows. I nodded slightly before yawning again.

"Hungover from alcohol or hungover from Zack's d-" Kyle's sentence was cut off by Eric smacking him in the back of the head as he walked over to set the pan of food down on a pot holder on the table.

I smiled up at him as he also smacked Sam's hand away from the spoon.

"Zoe's first." He said sliding an extra plate over to me.

"Thanks." I said dishing up quickly then passing the spoon to my right where Zack was. Eric sat down to my left as I started to slowly eat my food while everyone piled their plates and dug in.

"Damn." Cody mumbled and everyone gave him curious looks.

"What?" Sammy said confused.

"I missed my chance to see Zoe drunk." He said pouting at e and I laughed at him.

"Oh yeah! So what's she like Zack?" Kyle said shoving another spoonful of food into his mouth.

"She was throwing herself at me the entire time, I had to tell her to calm down." Zack said smirking and my jaw dropped.

"I was not!" I exclaimed hitting his arm making him laugh.

"She totally was. She was all like 'Oh Zack, you're so hot. The hottest person I've ever seen. Zack just kiss me!'" he said making his voice higher and I scowled at him.

"I definitely did not say any of that." I said as the rest of the boys laughed.

"Whatever you say Zoe." He said grinning at me. I shook my head at him with a small smile before continuing to eat my food.


A little while later and Zack and I were sitting on the couch. I had helped Eric wash dishes after everybody had finished eating while Zack had just made jokes about having me over more often to clean.

Although he stopped laughing real fast when I pulled a huge knife out of its holder.

We had been talking a little about school but Zack suddenly seemed to get a little sad. I gave him a curious look and he met my gaze.

"What's with your parents Zoe?" Zack asked softly and I looked down to my lap. Stupid drunk Zoe.

"I think I need to go." I said trying to stand up but Zack grabbed my hand and tugged me back down.

"I'm just trying to help." He said trying to get me to look into his eyes but I tried my hardest to look everywhere else.

"You can't help Zack. Its fine. I'm fine." I said pulling my hand away and rubbing it with my other.

"You're not fine. You don't know that I can't help and I can't try if I don't know what's going on." He said and my nails bit into my hand slightly.

"Can I ask you a question Zack?" I asked finally looking up to his steel eyes.

"Sure." He said and I hesitated for a second.

"What happened with your parents?" I asked and he froze. I watched his jaw clench and his arms tense.

"This isn't about me, it's about you."

"You say I'm not fine but you're the one that's not fine. I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you about my parents once you tell me about yours." I said trying to ignore my shaking hands and knotted stomach.


I couldn't tell him, at least not yet but I also knew he wasn't ready to tell me. I was putting everything on the line, taking a chance that I probably shouldn't.

Zack looked up to me, his eyes had grown a few shades darker.

"Okay." He finally said and I slowly nodded.

Why had I just done that? Stupid.

"I do have to go though." I said standing up.

"Okay, do you want me to walk you home?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I mean you can if you want. You don't have to though, I'll be alright." I said and he stood up and walked over to the door.

"Okay, lets go then." He said slipping on his shoes and I shifted from one foot to the other.

"Hey Zack?" I asked peering over to him.

"Yeah?" he asked and I felt my face get slightly warm.

"I think you're forgetting I'm not wearing any pants." I said and his face cracked into a smile.

"Right, we should probably get you some first." He said nodding and laughing with me.


Thank you guys for the comments! Tell me what you think about this chapter!



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