*Chapter Forty Five*

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I haven't been writing consistently for months, please show some mercy with the mistakes.



I woke up with a sharp intake of breath and a pounding heart. I quickly sat up but jumped when I saw Zack quickly sit up next to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked quickly scanning my body to make sure I wasn't hurt. I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

I looked over to my clock to see it was about 6 in the morning. I rubbed at my eyes and heard Zack yawn and shift. I glanced over to him and opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me too it.

"I know that look Zoe, don't even try to apologize." He said giving me a stern look and I slowly nodded. His face softened as he looked at me and he shifted so he was facing me.

"What happened?" he asked quietly and I froze. What would he do if he knew? I didn't want to worry him, I've already bothered him too much.

"I just thought I saw something but I didn't. I over reacted, I'm sorry." I said hoping he would drop it and knowing he wouldn't believe me if I said nothing. He studied my face for a moment and looked like he didn't quite believe me.

"Okay." He said anyway sounding unconvinced but dropped it. I nodded slowly before swinging my legs out of bed and standing up. I stretched with a yawn before looking over to him to see he was standing up too. He was wearing a slightly crumpled white shirt with a pair of dark blue gym shorts on. He looked up to me and gave me a small smile which I returned, feeling slightly awkward and not quite knowing what to do.

"Do you want to go to school today or are you going to stay home?" he asked as he ran a hand through his messed-up bed head. He still managed to look put together while I probably looked like a complete mess.

"No, I'm going to go. I've already missed too much school as it." I said and he nodded.

"How about I'll go downstairs and make breakfast while you get ready? I can walk to my place real quick so I can grab my stuff then I can pick you up and drive you to school?" he asked and I thought for a second before nodding.

"Sure, you don't have to make breakfast though. I'm not really hungry." I said not wanting to trouble him more than I already had.

"Okay, I'll just go get ready then swing back here then." He said and I nodded. He slipped on his shoes and tuned to leave but I stopped him.

"Zack?" I asked and he turned around giving me a curious look.

"Thank you." I said looking to the ground, color tinging my cheeks.

"Anytime Kitten, I'd do it again in a heartbeat if you asked." He said softly and I looked up to him. I gave him a soft smile before he turned and made his way down the stairs.

I let out a sigh and made my way to my closet to grab some clothes before jumping in the shower and trying to make myself look as presentable as possible.

20 minutes later I descended the stairs and made my way into the kitchen to find the glass cleaned up and a bowl, a spoon, some cereal and milk sitting on the counter along with an apple. A smile took over my face as I noticed the little note with just a smiley face written on it.

15 minutes later I was climbing into Zacks car and surprisingly, everything felt normal again. We teased each other and greeted the rest of the boys once we got to school, pretty much acting like nothing had happened. Everything was normal again except for the feeling in my stomach that I hadn't felt for over a year.

The constant feeling of being on edge, of being cautious and making sure nobody found out about my father. The feeling of dread, the feeling of not wanting to return home, the feeling of always having to watch my back. Although I didn't let it show, it was still there. Just waiting and weighing me down slightly every time I would think about it, every time I would think about him.


I'm surprised I even got any reads on the last (It took me 4 tries to type last, lord I'm tired) chapter. 

Also I got contacts today and my eyes are dead.

Also Also, got a punching bag, so watch out haters >:)



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