*Chapter Twenty Six*

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I woke up hearing screams.

It didn't take me long to figure out those screams were coming from me. My eyes flew open as I gasped for air, clawing at my throat. It took me a minute to calm down my racing heart. I ran my hand that was shaking like a leaf over my forehead that was coated in sweat.

"Just a dream." I whispered to myself squeezing my eyes shut then opening them, trying to clear my vision. I looked over to my clock.


I slowly pulled myself up and walked into my bathroom, turning on the light fumbling around trying to find the light switch. My fingers found it and flipped it on with a quiet click before looking in the mirror to see dark circles under my eyes accompanied by a shiny face. I looked down to see my bloody phone on the floor where I had left it last night. I picked it up and wiped the screen with my shirt. I turned it on and looked up to the battery.

30 percent.

I trudged over and plugged it in before taking a deep breath and starting to get ready for the day, even if I dreaded it.


An hour and a half later, I was walking into my math class. I sat down and Julia came and sat next to me once she walked in a second later.

"Are you okay? You look like death." She said as she looked over to me.

I gave her a small smile and nodded.

"I'm fine."

She looked skeptical but didn't push it. Instead she talked on and on about the latest drama until Mr. Johnson walked into class. His eyes met mine and even if he didn't like me very much, he looked a little concerned. I have him a small smile before looking over to Julia and pretending I was listening to her even though all of her words were merging together and not making any sense in my mind. A minute later, he clapped his hands loudly and started to speak.

"Quiet down everybody, it's time for class to begin."


I managed to avoid all the boys until I was walking out of my last class before free period at the end of the day. Thankfully, I hadn't seen Zack all day, I don't think he was even at school. I wondered briefly where he could be but pushed it out of my mind.

"Zoe, wait up!" I heard a voice I recognized as Eric's yell over to me. I kept walking pretending I didn't hear him, but he eventually caught up to me and put his hand on my shoulder gentlly. I spun around and looked at him waiting for him to say something, but he just stared at me curiously.

"Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked trying to play it off. He just shrugged a little but was still searching over my face looking for something or other.

"Where were you yesterday?" He asked looking into my eyes. I looked away and glanced at the doors leading outside. Just five more steps and I'll be out.

"I went home after second period. I'm sorry, but I have to get home." I said looking at him and giving him a slightly guilty look.

"Oh okay, well I guess I'll see you on Monday then." He said with a small smile but still looked slightly concerned. 

I nodded at him and turned around, my smile immediately dropping as I walked over to the school doors and walked out into the chillier air. I felt bad, but I didn't think I would be able to talk to him without either me breaking down, or him figuring everything out on his own. That boy sure did notice the smallest things even if you were trying to hide it.

I looked up to see darker looking clouds start to roll in and picked up my pace, remembering it was supposed to rain tonight.

I made it home right as the rain started and stepped in through my door, warm air engulfing my body instantly. I slipped off my shoes and climbed the stairs up to my room. 

I plopped down on my bed with my backpack after I had opened my window to get some fresh air in here and pulled out all of my homework that I had been falling behind with. I sighed before diving into everything, not planning on stopping until it was completely done.


A few hours later, I had finally finished all my work. I breathed in the fresh smell of rain and crisp April air as I neatly put everything back into my bag, feeling a whole lot better without all that work weighing over me. It even distracted me for a while, not a single thought of my parents or Zack popping into my head as I concentrated on the papers.

I stood up and shivered slightly from the rush of cold air that attacked my body as I unwrapped myself from my blanket cocoon. I walked over and shut my window, making sure I latched it before making my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

It was already almost 7 so I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and made my way back into my room. I ate in silence as I scrolled through my social medias and checked out what was new. After a while, I decided to get a quick shower.

An hour later, I was sitting on my bed in a tank top and shorts, combing through my hair. I put my comb aside and snuggled under my covers, pulling my laptop onto my bed to catch upon some of my shows. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken several hours later by the doorbell.

I sleepily sat up and rubbed at my eyes, looking over to my clock, my eyes widened, and I instantly snapped awake when I saw what time it was.


I stood up slowly as the doorbell rang again. Who could be here at 3 in the morning? I could still hear it pouring out as I crept downstairs and over to the front door. I jumped as it rang again, and I heard a light thud. I stood up on my tippy toes and looked out the door.

I stood back in surprise with wide eyes and a slackened jaw before jumping forward and flinging open the door.

"Zoe?" he slurred out leaning on the door frame.

"Zack?" I asked still processing what was happening and staring at the soaked and shivering boy in front of me.

Zack Fuller was standing on my porch at 3 in the morning in the pouring rain.

Drunk, might I add.



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The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora