*Chapter Thirty Nine*

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It was about 7:00 on Saturday and Julia had been over for about two hours. She seemed to be acting the same as usual and didn't even mention anything about the barbecue. We were sitting on the couch watching Netflix. The episode ended and I reached over to the remote with a sigh.

"Hey, do you want to do something else? I'm bored." Julia said with a huff.

"Sure, let me go grab my phone from upstairs first." I said hopping up to my feet and making my way up the stairs. I turned the corner and walked over to my bed to scoop up my phone. I turned on the screen to see a text from my mother from 16 minutes ago. I clicked on it and read it over a few times, tears gathering in my eyes.

'We have decided we will be getting married in June. You will attend and be on your best behavior. The only reason you are coming is because Johnathan's family wants to see you. If you embarrass me at all I will be cutting off your funds. Might want to start dieting now, I will not have you show up looking like a pig.'

I stared at it trying not to cry but after re-reading it, a surge of anger flowed through me. What right does she have to tell me I have to go? Sure, she is my mother but he sure as hell isn't my father. I don't have a father anymore.

Before I could get too wrapped up, I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I turned around to see Julia standing there looking confused. I just turned my phone around so she could read it. She scowled before looking back to me sympathetically.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I looked to the ground. I blew air out of my nose looking up annoyed while slightly shaking my head thinking about my mother.

"Alright, this is what were going to do. Were going to make us look hot as hell, grab some cash, go out to a bar, and get wasted. Okay? No thinking about her tonight." She said lightly grabbing my shoulders and making me look into her eyes. I gave her a weak smile and nodded and right as she did, she grinned and pulled me over to my closet.

"Now, we need something sexy for you to wear." She said flicking through my clothes. She looked for a second before pulling out the strapless tight black dress that she had dared me to wear to a Halloween party last year. I ended up cheating a little bit because wore it with tights underneath and a cover up shawl type thing so I wasn't showing much skin.

"This. And this time, you're not completely covering up. You need to look hot." She said and I sighed before grabbing it from her and examining it.

I just shrugged and she squealed before looking for something for her. She grabbed the tight black skirt she had left here a few weeks back and took my tight red top down before dragging me to my bathroom. She grabbed my makeup out and plugged in my curling iron before turning to me looking like a mad scientist.

"Time to make you hot."


An hour and a half later, we were in her car driving to her favorite club. Once we arrived, we stepped out into the chillier air. I checked to make sure my phone still had battery left before shoving it in my top. Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do when there's no pockets. She grabbed my hand and drug me over to the doors.

"Hey Jacob, you're looking mighty fine tonight." She purred at the bouncer out front. He winked at her before stepping aside and opening the door for us. Julia had said something about her paying off the bouncers here and I guess she came often enough for them to recognize her.

"Same to you." He said smirking as we walked through into the building and immediately my senses were attacked. The flashing lights made it slightly hard to see and you could barely hear from the blasting music. Julia continued to pull me along to the end of the bar and leaned forward to yell over to me.

"Now, we just have to find someone to pay for our drinks." Sha said smirking and my eyebrows scrunched.

"You brought money though." I yelled over to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but its so much more fun this way. Oh! Behind you, those two." She nodded her head over and I turned around to see two good looking guys standing talking to each other.

"I don't think that's good idea Julia. Ill just pay tonight." I said right as one looked over. I smiled at him, trying to be polite before I turned back to Julia to see her motioning them over.

I panicked for a second but she just told me to relax. The two guys made it over and she started to use her charm on them. I listened in and added a few things every once in a while and it didn't take them long to order drinks for them and us. Julia flirted with one of the guys as I talked with the other. I honestly already had forgotten his name.

We eventually went from fruity drinks to shots and it didn't take long for my head to start spinning.

4 more shots were ordered and slid over to us. The guy Julia had been talking to more passed them around to everyone. I grabbed mine and on the count of three, I raised it to my lips and drank it in one gulp before slamming it back on the counter at the same time as everyone else.

My throat burned and my vision was slightly distorted but I was laughing along with everybody else none the less.

"Another!" Julia shouted to the bartender and I grabbed her arm.

"We should stop Jules." I said as the bartender slid 4 more shots to us and the other guy passed them out to us all.

"Come on Zoe, you don't really want to stop do you?" She pouted. My mind flashed back to my mother and I looked at the shots swaying slightly.

A little more wouldn't hurt.

I grabbed my shot and downed it as everyone else cheered and down theirs. One of the guys wrapped their arm around me and we swayed back and forth dangerously.

"There we go! Another!" He said and I laughed stepping away a little, my mind fogging.

I downed a few more shots and eventually, it was getting hard to stand. The entire room was spinning and I was having trouble keeping up with what was going on.

"Hey Julia, we should go have some fun in the back. I know some people here." One of the guys slurred and Julia wrapped her arms around his neck and said something to him that I couldn't hear. I tried to blink away the blurriness, but it didn't work.

Julia smiled at me and they started to make their way away from us. I blinked and they had disappeared into the crowd.

"Why don't we go join them?" The other guy said in my ear after he had slung his arm around me again. I tried to push him away but my arms felt like jelly.

"No." I tried to say as he attached his lips to my neck. I tried to shove him away but he didn't budge. Tears sprung to my eyes as I struggled to get away. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and grabbed my ass.

"Get off." I yelled over the music but his grip only tightened. He started to pull me towards the back but we were knocked into by a guy who was clearly completely drunk. I stumbled away as he started to yell for the one guy to watch where he was going.

I took that as my chance to duck away and start to run through the crowds of people, stumbling every few steps.

I made it to an exit and busted out the door, sucking in a sharp breath of the cold air. Nobody was outside as I stumbled over to the wall and pulled out my phone feeling slightly nauseous but pushing it to the back of my mind. I scrolled through my contacts and settled on the one that I hoped would be able to pick me up. My hands were shaking and I could barely navigate to his contact.

My thumb pressed the call button as a cold wind swept by me, making me shiver. I brought my phone up to my ear as a tear slipped down my cheek.

It rang a few times before I heard his voice.


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The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora