*Chapter Eighteen*

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When we got over to the boys, my interest peaked.

"What exactly are we doing?" I asked skeptically as Sammy started to unfold a huge white circular object.

"We play this almost every time we come, we blow that up and try to knock the other person you're paired up with off. The winner gets dinner for free and the loser has to blow it up the next time we come." Cody said with a huge grin.

I looked over to Sammy who had completely laid out the huge blow up surface. It was a huge circle that looked like a bullseye and was probably about 8 feet across. Sammy grabbed the electric air pump and started to blow it up. Zack wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned down to my ear.

"You're going down." he whispered with a smirk as I hit his chest and rolled my eyes at him with a smile. He turned to talk to Kyle as I walked over to the water next to Eric. He was the quiet one of the group but seemed like he definitely had the most common sense.

"Who won last time?" I asked as he turned and smiled at me.

"It was a tie between Zack and Kyle, so we had to have a sudden death round, but Zack ended up winning." he said looking back over to the boys who were arguing about who was going to win this time. Eric shook his head at them smiling.

"I'm not sure how they haven't scared you off yet, but they sure do enjoy your company. I do too." he said giving me a friendly smile.

"Honestly? I really like hanging around you guys. I haven't had very many friends but you all seem to be pretty amazing people. I heard a lot of rumors that made me want to stay away at first, but everyone kind of made me change my mind once I actually met and hung out with them." I smiled as we watched Sammy struggle with the huge inflatable object.

"Some of the rumors are true, we aren't the best people on earth but we're like brothers. We used to get quite annoyed when somebody started a rumor but we started to actually like them. Some of the stuff I've heard people say is so ridiculous, it's hilarious. Did you know apparently Cody owned a monkey named princess at one point?" he replied and I laughed along with him.

"Really? Wow. The stuff some people will start for attention." I said shaking my head. "Which ones are true?" I asked curiously.

"Which ones have you heard?" he looked down to me with the edges of his lips turned up.

"Well there's the insane ones that are obviously fake but let me think." I said scrunching up my eyebrows trying to think of one that I had heard from Julie.

"Kyle and Cody went and threw an egg at the principal?" I asked.

"True, unfortunately. Or fortunately depending on who you ask. It was one of the first times they did something like that so they only got detention for a week."

"Sammy spilled a milkshake all over the cafeteria floor and licked some up for a dare?"

"Spilled the milkshake? True. Licked it up? False."

"Good, he probably would have gotten a disease from those nasty floors." We both snickered at that one.

"Cody brought a pillow to class and tried to sleep on the floor?"

"Nope, although after he heard that one, he was tempted to actually do it."

"Zack and Kyle smoked weed in the bathrooms and never got caught because they flushed it down the toilet?"

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