*Chapter Sixty One*

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The next day, I was sat in a room, telling and repeating everything for hours upon hours. At the end of the day, my head throbbed and eyes stung.

"Alright, I think that's enough." The man sitting across from me finally said and I sighed. I followed him out to the front of the police station and spotted Zack sitting in a chair against the wall with his head in his hands.

"I told you to go home Zack." I said softly and his head jerked up to me.

"I know." He said standing up and making his way over to me, stretching his back.

"Ms. Starr, your mother is here" An officer poked his head into the room and I froze.

"Uh- okay." I said, taking an almost unnoticeable step towards Zack. A few seconds later, my mother stepped through the door and her eyes immediately darkened as she spotted me.

"This is your fault." She hissed out glaring at me.

"You brought him back, I had to fly back here because of this." She stormed forward to me. Zack immediately stepped in front of me, lightly pushing me behind him and keeping his hand barely touching the fabric of my shirt.

"You need to leave." He growled out looking down at her. Here eyes darted to him and narrowed.

"Stay out of this, just because you're her little boy toy doesn't mean you have any part in this." She hissed trying to step around him but he blocked her again.

"Let me talk to my daughter." She said and he looked back to me. I gave a barely noticeable shake of my head and he turned back to her.

"Just go back to wherever the hell you came from. We can handle everything here." He said and I saw my mother's jaw clench.

"This is all your fault." She shrieked suddenly lunging at me. Zack held her away from me as several officers came in and pulled her away.

"I hate you." She growled out before she was pulled out of the room.

I looked up to Zack who had his jaw clenched.

"Can we go back?" I asked quietly, trying to keep my mind from wandering to my mother and his face softened.

"Yeah, lets go." He said quietly, calming down. We walked out of the building after having a brief chat with an officer that asked us what happened. I had told them it was just a misunderstanding and that she was fine to be let go. She would probably end up going straight back to Africa anyways.

Zacks fingers intertwined with mine as we pushed through the front doors out into the warm evening air and made our way to the car to finally go home.


4 days later and everything was going alright. There hadn't been any word from the police nor any sightings of my father.

The phone rang and Zack picked it up. He listened for a second before standing up off the couch and walking out of the room. Eric looked over to me and I just shrugged, going back to listening to Sam talk to Cody about the upcoming last day of school.

A few minutes later, Zack came back into the room and looked to me. I raised my eyebrows at him and he looked to the boys in the room.

"That was just officer brady." He said and I looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"Your father is dead."

I looked at him, slowly taking in the information. I let out a breath as it felt like a weight was lifted from my chest. I probably should have felt sad, should have felt tears welling up in my eyes. He was my father after all but my only reaction was pure relief.

"Fuck yes!" Cody's fist shot into the air.

"Cody!" Eric said with wide eyes as if not being able to believe he had just said that.

"Oh shit, sorry." Cody said looking to me with eyes the size of saucers.

"No, you're fine." I said letting out a quiet breathy laugh. Zack walked over and took his seat on the couch facing me like he was before.

"Are you alright?" he asked and I looked into his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I am." I said and for once, I finally meant it. A small smile fell upon Zack's face before he turned and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I relaxed and rested my head against him and felt his lips press to the top of my head. A content look settled on my face as his fingers traced patters on my arm.

"You two are too fucking cute."


Beep beep I'm a sheep



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