*Chapter Fifty Five*

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When I got home from school, my father was already home. He walked out from the kitchen and glared at me.

"Make dinner. It better be good." He growled out, and I nodded.

"I need to go to the store later to get stuff for dinner, do you want anything special?" I asked in a small voice and he grabbed his beer off of the table.

"I want steak tomorrow." He said and I nodded.

"Go on, get busy." He said before turning around and making his way into the living room. I hurried into the kitchen and made dinner. I ate some as I cooked and then quickly plated everything and served him before grabbing my wallet and slipping out the door.

I made the walk to the store and did my shopping. I picked up some concealer and foundation, knowing it wouldn't be long until I needed it. I kept everything I got to a minimum since I didn't have a car and had to carry everything home on my own. I got his steak and a few other things before stepping out and walking to the side of the store. I set the bags down and pulled out my phone, dialing my mother's number and holding it up to my ear.

"These calls from you are getting old, what do you want?" She answered after a few rings and gulped.

"He's back." I said quietly and she stayed silent for a second.

"If you are lying then-" she started angrily but I cut her off.

"I'm not lying, I promise." I said, choking back tears and I paced back and forth.

"You listen here" she hissed and I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes and trying to calm down "you will not tell him where I am, or what I've been doing. You will not mention me at all and if he asks, you haven't heard from me since he left." She hissed and I gulped.

"Okay." I whispered and a second later, the line went dead. I shut my phone off and looked down to the bags at my feet.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked and I jumped, turning and seeing Zack standing there with a few bags in his hands.

"Uh, I was just getting some groceries. Had to make a call." I said holding up my phone before slipping it into my pocket and picking up my bags.

"Do you have a ride back?" he asked and I hesitated.

"I'll be fine." I said and tried to walk past him but he blocked my way.

"That's not what I asked Zo." He said and I sighed, still looking to my feet.

"No, but I can walk." I said and he sighed.

"No, come on. I've got the car. I'll drop you off." he said and my stomach twisted.

"Its fine, I-" he cut me off with a sharp look as I looked up to his face and went silent. He nodded his head over to the parking lot and started to walk. I trailed behind him slowly and put my bags in the back seat when he motioned for me to. I slid into the passenger seat and we started the drive back to the house.

"You can just stop at your house and I'll walk the rest, its not far." I said hoping he would give in but he didn't and drove right past his house. I tensed as he pulled up to my house and I hesitated for a second.

"Thank you." I said before getting out and gathering my bags quickly.

"Zoe, what's wrong?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I just need to hurry and finish something." I said and he opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off again, a heavy panicky feeling in my chest as I hoped my father hadn't seen him yet.

"Thank you again but I have to go." I said and nodded at him. He just looked at me as if trying to figure out what was wrong for a second but I cut off his vision by shutting the car door and carrying the bags up to the door. I stepped in and shut the door as my father approached me. I dropped the bags as he stormed forward and shoved me back into the door.

"Who was that huh?" he asked and I froze. He saw him.

"It was just somebody from school. They gave me a ride back from the store." I said wide eyed and his fist was instantly flying towards my face. I brought my hands up to block him but I was too late as his fist connected with my face right below my left eye.

My head slammed back into the wall and he wasted no time in grabbing me and yanking me forward, sticking his face in mine.

"If I ever see you with anybody like that again, you will regret it." He hissed out and I nodded, my head still spinning from the hit. He shoved me back into the wall again before storming up the stairs into his room.

I let out a shaky breath and bent down, picking up the bags and making my way to the kitchen to put everything away. I took my makeup and made my way up to my room, shutting and locking the door before making my way to my bathroom to throw the new products into the top drawer and looking up into the mirror.

My upper cheek was a bright red and throbbed. I tore my eyes away and slipped into the shower, getting ready for bed as the sun disappeared. I slid into bed and stared up at the ceiling, fighting sleep and listening for my father's footsteps.

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, my eyes became too heavy to keep open and they fell shut, instantly dragging me into the darkness, the day coming to an end, my body preparing to do it all over again when I woke up. 


I've been writing all day, I think I'm going insane.



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