*Chapter Thirteen*

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(like so unedited that it looks like a 4 year old wrote it while on heavy medication with his thumbs duck taped to his foot.)



I woke up with a pounding headache and ringing in my ears. Although the ringing wasn't from the headache but from my phone that was in my jean pocket on the floor. My entire body was sore and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I tried to roll over slightly so I could get up and get my phone but a sharp pain erupted from my side. I gasped and let out a little yelp.

 I looked down at my body and my eyes widened. My left arm and leg was covered in blood and my sheets were practically soaked. I had blood smeared on my stomach. My side was turning a nasty combination of black blue and purple. I could only imagine what my back looked like.

 I was pulled out of my thoughts as my phone stopped ringing. It took a while but I slowly sat up. I looked around my room to see blood and glass on the floor. My vision blurred a bit as I tried to stand up. I decided it would be best to just sit on the ground to avoid passing out. I was still groggy and the headache wasn't helping at all. Once I made it to the floor, I grabbed my phone out of the pocket and turned the screen on to see two texts and a missed call but it wasn't from my mom. It was from an unknown number so I opened the texts.

 The first one said 'Hey, just wanted to make sure you were ok. I didn't see you at school today.'

 I looked at the clock confused only to see it was already four in the afternoon. I sighed which resulted in another jolt of pain radiating throughout my side. I mentally cringed and gritted my teeth trying not to move anymore. I opened the second text to see it said 'Btw its Zack so make sure to save my number ;)' 

I probably would have laughed in any other situation but instead I just turned off my phone and tried to stand up again. This time with more success. I hobbled over to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. Thankfully she didn't bruise my face so that wouldn't be a problem with trying to cover up but I had no idea what I was going to do tomorrow. I guess I would just see if it hurts less and see if I can go to school or not.

 I picked up a washcloth and proceeded to wipe away most of the blood. I didn't think I would be able to take a shower so I decided to just start to clean up the cuts. It was extremely difficult and painful to get to the ones on my back since it hurt every time I moved or breathed at all. After struggling for a while and cleaning up all the cuts, I wrapped them up in clean bandages and slipped on a loose fitting tee shirt and shorts. I was still exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open so I crawled back into bed and drifted away again.

When I finally woke up again, it was still dark but I had a little more energy. I got up with a bit of struggle and grabbed my phone. I turned it on to see it was five in the morning. There was a text from my mom but I didn't know if I wanted to open it yet.

 I decided I had to and clicked on it. It was a pretty long text that basically said that she left and wouldn't be back for a while, along with a couple other insults. I sighed again and walked- well more like hobbled into my bathroom. My side didn't hurt as much as it did before but it was still pretty bad.

 I took a painful shower and tried to dry my hair but it hurt to bad to hold my right arm up so I gave up. I put some new bandages on real quick before slowly walking back to my room. I went over to my closet and picked out some jeans and a big hoodie that would be easier to hide my slumped figure in. I carefully pulled on my socks and shoes before grabbing my backpack that felt ten times heavier. I slung it over my left shoulder. I had twenty minutes to get to school so I slipped out the door and started my walk, figuring it would take longer than usual.

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