Big Brother vs. Boyfriend - Matt Espinosa Imagine

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*from my Tumblr*

Matt Espinosa Imagine

“Cam! We have to go!” you yelled to your big brother across the hotel room. “We’re going to be late, come on!” you screamed at him again until he finally came running out the door, fully dressed. You rolled your eyes and he laughed his head off, running down the long hallway to the elevator. You walked in after him, hitting the lobby button. The doors opened to the rest of the guys waiting for you, a bunch of security surrounding them. You looked around, shocked by the number of girls screaming for you all. Well, not really you. Just the boys.

The security guards huddled close to you and brought you all safely back behind the stage, where a little sitting room was filled with two chairs a table and a sofa. You sat down on a chair, plopping onto your butt and taking out your phone. You clicked on the Twitter app to see a bunch of mentions. You scrolled through them, most from the girls outside. You retweeted some of them, happy to know that they were excited about your presence.

“Hey,” a deep voice said from up above you. You looked up to see your secret boyfriend, Matt, staring down at you. He had a cute little look on his face with his blonde hair spiked up as usual. You smiled at him, showing off your straight teeth. He grinned back, reaching a hand down and stroking your cheek. You and Matt had kept your relationship a secret, because if Cameron knew, he would go berserk. He never liked your boyfriends, but you knew that you and Matt had something special, so this relationship was a secret. “Shh…” Matt whispered, taking your hand and leading your out of the waiting room and into the hallway. The doors to the ballroom were closed, so none of the girls could see you.

“I missed you,” Matt said, hugging you tight to his chest. You loved the feeling of his strong arms around you.

“Matt,” you giggled, “it’s only been since last night!” He gripped you tighter, faking a mad face.

“Are you saying that it’s not okay for me to miss my number one girl?” he asked, kissing your cheek hard. You laughed at that, evoking a laugh from your boyfriend, too. But soon your faces turned serious, the casual look turning to a serious one. You could see the love in Matt’s eyes, the shone in the hallway’s fluorescent lights.

Matt pushed your back up against the wall, hands on your waist. You instinctively wrapped one leg around his and your arms up to his neck. He smashed his lips to yours passionately, loving the taste of you. It soon turned into a make out session when Matt’s tongue slipped into your mouth. You never really liked going this far, but today, it just felt right. His hands rubbed up and down your sides, feeling the skin between the line of your top and jeans.

“I love you,” he murmured against your lips. You smiled into the kiss.

“I love you, too,” you said.

“Ahem,” someone said to your left. You immediately jumped back and away from Matt, shoving your hands into your pockets. You awkwardly scratched the back of your neck as your boyfriend looking away towards the door. Cameron approached you two, his eyes confused and angry all at the same time. He clenched his fists, coming right up into Matt’s chest.

Your boyfriend back peddled into the wall, showing his obvious terror of your protective older brother. Cam’s fist came down on Matt’s shoulder hard. Matt winced from the pain, his opposite arm clutching the spot where your brother had hit him.

“Cameron! Don’t hurt…” you tried to stop him. But Cameron just shushed you.

“No, Y/N!” He turned back to Matt. “What do you think you’re doing? Trying to abuse my sister. No! She’s just a girl!”

“I’m the same age as him, Cam!” You yelled, but Cameron pushed you back.

“No, no, no, no! Cameron, I swear,” Matt tried to say, squinting his eyes. “I’d never hurt her!”

“Sure, you wouldn’t,” Cam said sarcastically. “How am I supposed to know you’re telling the truth?” His voice filled with rage.

“I promise! I could never hurt someone as sweet as her. You have to understand!” Matt said, his sentences clear and true. “I love her, Cameron. And you know me! I would never…”

Cameron looked back and forth between you two a couple of times, still holding Matt against the wall. He pulled him arm away roughly, your boyfriend falling forward a little. You caught his arm and pulled him into a hug. “Fine,” Cam said. “But if you hurt her, I’m coming at you. No mercy.”

And with that, your brother headed back to the waiting room. You looked up at Matt.

“Sorry, Matt. I really am. He’s way too over protective.”

“No, it’s okay. I understand. If I was him, I’d want to keep you safe, too. Don’t worry,” he said, kissing your forehead.

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