Through the Blizzard - Nash Grier Imagine for Brittanica

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Nash and Nica

I was lying in my bed, facing the window, staring out towards my backyard at the open white world of snow. My house was warm, cozy, but felt empty to me somehow, as I was all alone. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes, listening to Ed Sheeran quietly singing in the background.

All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms reach around me from behind and pull me. My eyes snapped open and I whipped my head around in a rage of panic. My brown eyes met a pair of beautiful blue ones. They were bright and oh-too-familiar.

“Shhh… Nica,” Nash whispered in my ear. “No one’s here, don’t worry.” I turned back around and let pieces of my hair fall into my face as I relaxed into Nash’s chest. His hands ran up and down my arms as he gently kissed the back of my neck. He was so sweet.

“I missed you… couldn’t take it anymore,” he whispered. “I walked here.”

“Through the blizzard?” I asked, shocked. I felt him nod from behind me. My whole family was out of town for a vacation that I couldn’t go on because of school. All of the flights back were cancelled and I’d been stuck in my house alone for four days.

“It’s worth it,” Nash said. I turned myself over, so I could face him. Our eyes met and I got lost in world of love I had been surrounded in. His hand slid down my arm and gripped in mine. I smiled down, seeing our hands together. “I love you,” he said quietly, barely audible.

“I love you, too,” I replied before he leaned in for a sweet and passionate kiss.  

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