Sadie Hawkins Dance - Matt Espinosa Imagine for Julie

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*from my Tumblr*

Matt and Julie

“I know! I can’t believe how easy that test was,” I added to the conversation with my best friends Gracie and Ashley. We were talking about the Chem test we’d just taken.

“I bet we all got an A,” Ashley said. Gracie nodded at her comment.

“The one about the balancing chemical equations was a little confusing, but I got it after I reread it,” I said. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of strong, tan arms wrap around me from behind. “Oh!” I said, laughing a little as my boyfriend Matt hugged me to his chest tightly.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, kissing me lightly on the cheek. I held onto his forearms with my little hands.

“Hey, Matt,” I said, turning my head and looking at him. He kissed me on the lips quickly. Gracie and Ashley stood next to each other, aw-ing at me and Matt.

“So I heard from someone over there,” Matt said, nudging his head at my friends. I looked at them, which they just shrugged and looked away from, “that you have something to ask me?” I blushed a little. I did have something to ask him. I glanced over at the pink poster on the wall for the February, Valentine’s Day, Sadie Hawkins dance. Right, I had to ask a boy. Great. I had been meaning to ask Matt for a week, but I was too nervous. If I was a guy, I’d never have a girlfriend because I’d be too nervous to ask someone out.

“Oh…” I trailed off. I looked around, trying to avoid Matt’s gaze.

“Come on, Jules,” he nudged me.

“Hm…” I had an idea. I threw his arms off me. “Got to catch me before I ask!” I said, taking off in the direction of the school doors. I sprinted, hearing Gracie and Ashley’s laughs and Matt’s groans. I giggled, continuing on. I shoved the doors and sprinted down the steps, out into the courtyard where half of the school was eating lunch.

“Out of my way!” I screamed, pushing my way through the teenagers, that were obviously not paying attention. I heard Matt’s footsteps behind me and turned my head slightly. I caught a glimpse of him shoving one of his friends, Nash, out of the way to try and get to me. I spun back around.

“Come here, Julie, baby!” he yelled after me. “I’m going to get you!” I laughed, taking a right turn next to the big pear tree. I stumbled on the large roots sticking out of the ground. I had to slow down a little to steady myself, and ended up being pulled back into Matt’s arms. He pulled me really close to him, right into his chest. “I got you, beautiful. Mine,” he growled playfully, a happy smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.

“I guess so,” I said, smiling at him, my arms around his back. He pecked me on the lips, still slightly panting.

“So what did you need to ask me, huh?” he asked, eyes not leaving mine.

“Oh… well… I… I-uh,” I stammered.

“It’s okay, Jules,” Matt said, soothingly, his hand stroking down my cheek.

“Ok, well. I was wondering… if maybe you wanted to go to the… the uh… the Valentine’s Dance with me?” I asked, running out of breath in nervousness. Matt smiled at me, his adorable grin appearing on his cute face.

“Of course I’ll go with you,” he said, leaning down to kiss me again. I smiled against his lips, knowing that we were going to have a good time at that dance. 

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