Chapter 1

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You ever wish you could be in a different family. I sure do. My name is Ava im seventeen and i just wish i had a mother and not a mother thats addicted to drugs.

Do you know how hard my life has been. My older brother Ty left two years ago. Telling me he would come back for me and my little brother Trey. But he never did.

We are broke and i mean soon we will be getting kicked out of the apartment. Its like once my dad died she just said forget the kids and her life and started doing any drug she could get her hands on.

She even sold me and my little brother. I fought so hard to get my brother back and safe and that was after Ty left.

He would have saved us if he was here.

Ive been trying to get a job but never could get hired. I have to find food for my brother he is only five years old.

"Trey come on we need to get to school".

Trey looked sad coming out of our room.

"Whats wrong"?

"W-When is Ty coming back"?

I sighed and got on his level. "I really dont know".

"Will he ever come back"?

"I hope so".

I stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Lets get go buddy".

We walked past the living room to see my mom knocked out on the floor. I wish she would just clean up her act and not be like this but we cant choose our parents.

I shook my head and walked out of the apartment. Im really thankful that my brothers school is only a block away from my school.

After i dropped him off i went to the school. I walked in and you could tell there were new students and actually there was alot of them and they are hot.

I shook that out of my thoughts and went to my first period class. When i walked inside the classroom it was just Johnny. He was the "nerd" of the class. But he was really nice and also my bestfriend.

"Ava"! He smiled.

"Hi Johnny". I said and sat beside him.

"Did you hear we have alot more new students so that means more teachers".

"No i didnt hear but i saw them".

"Yeah and we are getting a new English teacher".

A new teacher in the middle of the year. Thats not weird at all.

Soon students started coming in new and old. First period was more like homeroom. Which is also my English classroom.

The bell rung and everyone was talking maybe making new friends i dont know i wasnt really paying attention. I was drawing on my notebook.

All of a sudden everyone got quiet. I could hear girls gaspsing and giggling to each other. I looked up and saw probably the hottest teacher ive ever seen.

"Hello students im your new homeroom teacher. Mr.Anderson". He said staring at me smiling.

I quickly looked away. He was gorgeous. Never seen a man that good looking.

"I want to get to know each of you guys individually".

Oh boy.

We only have 30 minutes in this class. I mean we only have a few people in here. But how is he going to get to everyone.

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