Chapter 13

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We ended up driving for an hour. We ended up at the beach. Nobody was here which is a little odd.

"Why arent there any people here"?

Ashton chuckled. "Well how can i kill you with people around".

I looked at him like he was crazy.

He started laughing. "Im kidding Ava but its our private beach. Are beach house is right up on the little hill". He pointed to a house.

"Oh wow is this just for the family or pack".

"Family. My dad use to take us here when he had free time".

"Thats nice". I smiled and i looked at him.

"I have a surprise for you".

He turned the car off and then got out. Then came over and opened my car door.

"Wait". I told him and took off my shoes. I dont want to wear heels in the sand.

Ashton had his hand out and i grabbed it. I love holding his hand.

He closed my door and we walked out on the beach. We turned a corner and i was just in awe.

Ive never had someone go all out for me like this.

Ive never had someone go all out for me like this

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"Did you do this"?

He smiled. "Yes and no. My mom helped me out".

"This is so beautiful". I hugged him.

"I know this is your first date and i wanted it to be special".

He led me to the table and pulled out my chair.

"Thank you".

He smiled and went to sit down across from me.

I just looked around at everything. He really did a good job.

We ate dinner and talked about alot of things. I found out his favorite food and his favorite animal. Which is steak and dogs. I would think he liked a wolf better but thats nice.

Found out what things he wants to do other than being an alpha. He wants to help rogues that are actually good find packs. Oh and make sure the children rogues are good.

He is a wonderful guy. This is just the third day and i am really falling for him. Is that too fast?

"Other than asking you on this date, I also wanted to ask you something else".

"What is it"?

He cleared his throat. "Umm Ava will you accept me as your mate".

I smiled. "Yes of course".

He smiled and got up from the table. Soft music started to play. He came over to me.

"May i have this dance"?

I couldnt help but blush. I nodded and he took my hand as we slow danced to the music.

"Im so grateful you didnt reject me".

"I would never".

I smiled and so did he. He leaned down and softly kissed my lips. This was our first kiss. This was my first kiss. It felt amazing. His lips were so soft.

He pulled away and i was kinda just like wow.

"Do you think i can mark you".

Oh the first step of mating. I would like if he did. It means his scent would mix with mine, letting other wolves that he is my mate.

"You can mark me".

He smiled and soon his eyes changed to gold. Oh goodness his wolf.

"Hello beautiful". His voice was way deeper than Ashton's voice.

I was getting nervous again.

"Im happy i could meet you".

"H-Hi". My voice came out with a squeak

He chuckled and pulled me in closer. He bent over and sniffed my neck.

"Oh gosh you smell so good". He said muffled.

"What's your name"?

"Channing". He said on my neck kissing it softly.

He began to lick my neck until he reached my spot. I began to moan softly.

"Found it. Now this will sting a little".

I nodded and soon felt his teeth pirece my skin.

I wasnt going to scream i just took the pain. Once he was done he licked my neck again.

He looked at me smiling. "Ill see you soon beautiful". He kissed my lips and once he moved back Ashton's eyes turned back to the beautiful blue eyes.

"Now thats better".

"Can we walk down the beach". I asked him.


I smiled. "I can check that off the list then".


"Yeah the bucket list. Walking down the beach at night. Check". I said making a check mark in the air.

He smiled and grabbed my hand as we began to walk long side the water. Glad i took my heels off.

Best first date ever!






Yes I'm still writing chapters this is what the third one or fourth one I've put up today. Guys I'm on a roll plus it's raining and I'm bored.


Please please COMMENT.

And Shaaaaaaaaare

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