Chapter 21

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I was at lunch with Ashton Erica Dean Johnny and Travis. I was happy to finally have a girl at the table with me.

Erica sat beside me and beside Dean. While Ashton was sitting next to me eating my fries.

I smacked his hand.

"Stop that you have fries right in front of you". I glared at him.

"Yeah but your fries taste much better". He said smirking and winking at me. Which just made me blush.

"You guys are so cute".

"Baby we can be like that too". Dean said whining.

"Not if you act like that". I told Dean making everyone at the table laugh.

"So Christmas break is next week guys we should go somewhere".  Travis said.

"Where should we go"? I asked

"Hawaii". Dean said,

"No the Bahamas". Erica said.

"I would like to go to Paris". I said.

"Lets have a meeting later today at the house and discuss this further more". Ashton said.

"Further more..look at you talking like you in charge". Dean said.

I just rolled my eyes. "Erica get your mans". I said

Soon you see Dean jump a little.

"Damn woman why did you pinch me".

"Sometimes you need to just shush". Erica said putting her finger over her mouth.

"Yes listen to your mate". Travis said.

"Dont be a hater Travis". Dean said pinching Travis's cheek. Travis smacked his hand away.

Once school was over we all got to the house after picking up my little brother.

"Trey you can have a snack then its homework".

He sighed. "I dont know why i need to go to school. I have a cool gift".

"You need school to get smarter". I told him.

"I am smarter everyday". He whined.

"Go". I told him and he stomped to the kitchen.

Little brothers i tell you.

Nikki and Ty come downstairs and Nikki looked pissed off.

"What happened"? Leah said coming inside.

"Im going to kill Cassie i fucking swear". Nikki said.

Leah and i looked confused.

"What happened"?

"Cassie seriously tried it today, Ugh. The bitch had the nerve to touch Ty's arm while giggling".

Nikki walked over to us. "She was like oh ty your so much bigger than before hehe". She said touching my arm and talking in a high pitch voice.

Nikki rolled her eyes. "Like bitch he aint that strong".

"Damn baby hurt my pride".

Nikki just glared at Ty and he put his hands up as he surrenders. "I love YOU baby". He said and walked into the living room with the guys.

"Wait Ty let her touch him".

"I mean no he moved away as soon as she did but the bitch has some nerve".

I shook my head. Cassie has no respect for Ty or Nikki.

"I told Ashton she needs to go".

"But speaking of Ashton i heard you this morning. What did he do give you head, cause if he finished the mating process you would be limping". Nikki said elbowing me.

"Oh my gosh. Not this again". Leah said covering her ears and walking into the living room.

"But was it good". Nikki asked grinning.


"Oooh girl". She said making me laugh

Later that night i was in bed with Ashton. He wrapped his arm around me moving me closer to him to where my butt was on his, what he called a bulldozer.

"Baby when do you think  you will be ready to finish the mating process. No pressure".

"Im not going to lie ive been thinking about it for awhile. Even before i got my wolf".

"I dont have a problem waiting i was just asking".

I rubbed his arm up and down. "And i thank  you for that, but i should keep you waiting any longer".

"You mean it"?

I laughed at how eager he is. I mean he has been waiting for so long.

"Yes but its my first time and i would like it to be romantic and special".

He kissed my cheek. "I got you baby".

"Thank you".

"I love you". He said kissing my neck.

"I love you too Ashton".

Soon i drifted off to sleep.

'Wake up Mate is in trouble'. My wolf Star said.

I jumped awaked and looked beside me Ashton was gone.

Where is he???


The whole room was pitch black. Where the fuck am I?







Short chapter I know but I've been working so I wanted to give you guys something.

Don't forget to vote comment and shaaare

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