Chapter 9

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Ashton walked me into homeroom where i saw Johnny sitting at his desk.

I went over to him and punched him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for"? He said rubbing his arm

"For not telling me you are a werewolf". I said sitting in my desk beside him.

"He told you"?

"Alot happened yesterday".

"Well im sorry. Everyone here thinks you are human in a werewolf family and either already knew or didnt know".

I sighed. "Its okay, I forgive you. I mean i learned alot".

"And what did you learn"?

"Im the soon to be Luna".

He laughed. "Yes. My bestfriend a Luna. Thats so much respect".

"You better not treat me differently cause of this title". I said pointing to him.

"I mean im going to respect your title cause i know Alpha Ashton would have my head".

I laughed and nodded. "Yes he would and im sorry he made you run away from me yesterday".

"Oh he told you about that".

I shook my head. "No his sister did".

"Yeah his wolf is umm how do you say it.....terrifying".

"Oh his wolf. I havent met him".

"Well you are his mate he probably will be a sweet dog".

I bust out laughing. "If he is a dog you're a dog".

He nodded. "You right you right".

The bell rung and our homeroom teacher walked in the classroom. And he walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper.

"Here is your new schedule".

"A new one"? I asked confused.

I looked at the paper. I have the same teachers just different times well not math next period.

"You have a new schedule"?

I nodded. "Yeah but not math thats still the same".

"Seems like your mate might have put you in his classes. Im in his third period".

I rolled my eyes. "Goodness Ashton". I said under my breath.

After class was over Ashton was waiting for  me at the door.

"How did you get here so fast"?

He shrugged and i just shook my head as i walked off without him.

"Um whats wrong"? He said catching up to me.

I took out my new "schedule".

"Why did you have my classes changed Ashton".

"I wanted you in the same classes as me".

I stopped walking and faced him. "Look i understand that we are mates but we do not need the same classes when after school you will see me for the rest of the day. Do you not understand that soon you and i will get annoyed of each other if we are around each other 24/7".

He scratched the back of his head. "Im sorry its just the protective side of me i can change it back".

"Yes please. And im not saying i dont want to see you. Im just saying i want to be excited after school when i see you cause i miss you. I cant miss you if we always together".

He smiled his perfectly white teeth. "I like that now that i think about it. The heart grows fonder".

I kissed his cheek. And he walked me to math class.

"Ill be right back".


And he walked away while i went to my seat. Well my circle or square since its for desk together.

I pulled out my homework for math class cause she usually takes it right after the bell. And yes i do my homework. Well i do math homework cause i love math.

Soon Dean and Travis sat in front of me.

"Hi guys".

"Hi Luna A". Travis said

"Luuuuna". Dean said

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"So did you go the homework Travis".

"Actually yeah but i got stuck on number 8 what did you get".

I looked down at my paper and looked at question 8.

"I actually got 0 for that".

"Show me".

And i did which he understood while Dean was just texting on his phone.

"Dean did you do you homework".

He just laughed. "Now see about that i...".

The bell rung cutting him off.

"Homework on your desk you know the drill". Our teacher said.

Mine was already on my desk. Yes im kinda nerdy i dont care.

She collected the homework and she began the new lesson. Maybe 20 minutes into class Ashton finally walked into the room like he wasnt late.

I guess being an Alpha you get special treatment.

He sat down beside me and kissed my cheek.

"Took you long enough". I whispered to him.

"Yeah i know it was a long line".

"And you didnt cut the line"? Dean asked.

"No i didnt. Why would i".

"Umm your the Alpha". He said in a duh tone.

"Im not going to use my power just to get in front of the line. I didnt have anywhere to be im a student just like everyone else".

I looked at him proudly. Thats my mate hehe.

"So Alpha where's your homework". I asked putting my hands to my chin leaning on my desk towards him.

"Uh". He scratched the back of his head.

I laughed and shook my head. "Mmm you will be doing it tonight".


I shushed him and told him to pay attention. He sighed and slumped down in his chair folding his ams like a little baby.

My mate ladies and gentlemen.







So i really have no idea where this book will go. Im still trying to figure it all out so give me a day guys. I need to get some ideas in this brain lol

But i hope you guys enjoyed this short boring chapter cause it was kinda boring. But dont forget to Vote, COMMENT, Shaaaare

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