Chapter 14: Sage Warns the Sinners

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Friday Chapter: Enjoy

Chapter 14: Sage Warns the Sinners

Graham was driving like a racer, dodging cars and traffic in a two lane highway in the middle of the crowded city of Manila.

And yet, though it can be seen as reckless and rage-temptingly aggressive on the outside, inside, AG, with his white mask, was still seated cross-legged as they made their way to their destination.

By the time they reached the bank, a full escort of limousines and armored trucks could be seen parked in the distance and the flag in their cars were all the signs that they were there because of a royal VIP.

Still, men in black suits barred their entrance to the bank premises and it was all because of the sleek black car that ignored everything and entered the arched drive way of the bank lobby.

The tension between the men in black suit and the royal guards were heating up when AG took a step out of the car as a holographic Real@D rendering of the Main Branch in Geneva's General Manager greeted him respectfully.

"Let me explain the..." these were the first words of the General Manager but as soon as AG dismounted the car that Graham drove, he immediately went in the building and strode with clear elegant yet light footsteps towards the deepest depths of the building without talking nor intent on listening to the man.

Behind him was Graham and AG's two bodyguards.

The man, of course, felt like he had just been shot in the head as he felt the repercussions of what AG just did. For sure, not only there was no next time, the entire bank and its name are ruined from today.

And it was all because of a small mistake.

In the elevator, the General Manager kept on trying to explain but AG only silently looked forward, not even a slight and as small as a glance was thrown to the poor man.

Upon reaching the lobby, they saw the mother and son pair, along with the Branch Manager, the two guards with eye glasses, and the poor receptionist.

Seeing AG's bodyguards, especially Graham, the two bank bouncers loosened their ties and cleared their throats, trying to ease up their intimidation.

When the royal sovereign saw AG, she can't help but frown as she yelled at all of them: "What is the meaning of this? Do you know who I am? Do you know that detaining me here is a crime against the queen of the Uglya Kingdom!"

The Branch Manager trembled. Not because of the threat of the queen but because he recognized the big man that was with AG serving like a body guard.

When the queen felt that he was ignored, all the more she raised her voice and pointed at AG. "You! I am talking to you! Who do you think you are standing in front of me like you are someone? Don't you know who I am?"

No matter how loud her mouth became, AG ignored her all the same. Her son, used to the backing of his mother, even approached AG and spoke mockingly.

"You! Can't you hear my mother talking to you?"

Graham raised a brow, AG's two bodyguards raised their brows, and the two bouncers of the bank was so happy that they couldn't help sneering.

It was at this point that the Geneva General Manager stepped forth to the mother. "Please, don't provoke him any further than this. I beg you. Any more than what you have already said will give you the regret of a lifetime. So, please, for your own good, just get away from here as soon as possible."

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