Chapter 89: The Last of the Trinity

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Hello Destroyers...

Firstly, my deepest apologies for two weeks (or is it three?) of late updates. Been busy with my sideline work(s) and had to sleep long last night in order to write wholeheartedly today. (I've been having short sleeps so I had to recover those short sleeps with a very long one).

Secondly, Thanks again for Eli Calabria for supporting us. Without this name appearing on our Patreon page with a donation prompt, it will be much harder to continue because it's really hard for me to budget my small income with our pace and I don't want to slow it down and instead been pacing up for you guys. Whew..... still, it's because of you guys and your continued support with our story that we are working very hard to give you the best of our [Siva] story.

Before the chapters though, PLEASE FOLLOW ME on Twitter since I've managed to borrow an "ancient" (bold, italic, and underlined) android device from a friend that has a working Twitter App (with the rest of the Apps, aside from the browser Apps, not working fine, especially FB). I will be using this device to update you guys from time to time with my status in regards to writing and will also be using it to update you guys regarding my everyday life... so you can stalk me... if that means anything. Hehehe...

Another thing...

Once again...

I would have to thicken my face to call out to you guys for support, if you can. Visit me on my Patreon account ordirectly send your donation to my Paypal account Then follow me on Facebook, or on twitter; and finally at my blog as well where I will be posting exclusive chapters for some ofmy stories in the future.

Alrighty, nuff of zat, here's your chapters for this week and I will be seeing you next week for another update.  Yep, I will try me besty to keep up with the pace and schedule of the releases.

Please enjoy the read and I hope that you guys will leave me a few reactionary Comment accompanied by VOTES for this batch's chapters.


Chapter 89: The Last of the Trinity




Meanwhile, on the halls of the cellar dungeon...

Moment before Janus' death, as soon as Scion's finger touched Siva's sleeve...

A bright white orb of light emerged in front of her chest along with the visualization of a woman with long watery-fluttering hair that melded on her body from behind her.

Scion's appearance at that moment also changed into that of the woman's and seeing this scene, all of the people in the cellar dungeon widened their eyes as they locked their gazes on to that image, seeming to notice something substantially present and yet intangible in their bodies becoming stronger and stronger.

"Siva..." that seemingly ethereal voice echoed and as soon as it did, Siva's body trembled.

The voice sounded very gentle, gentleness that was different to the intimately affectionate kind that Scion used to call Siva's name.

It was soft and gentle like a mother's, full of warmth and love akin to when she caresses her newly born child.

Everyone's bodies froze and they couldn't get a proper control over their bodies.

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