Chapter 35: City-Wide Royal Rumble

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Chapter 35: City-Wide Royal Rumble




But Siva didn't get mad. Instead, he saw that he was being challenged by Rentaw. This guy really is worthy of his position as the City Lord of a large city such as Warjillis. One must know that one cannot achieve a high position without the mastery on business deals.

In business deals, there are many routes to take for one to have the advantage in the deals and to get a client to sign up with his money.

For this particular exchange, he was challenging his 'identity' to know his purpose by asking justice for the reason why he came into being.

If he was an AI, perhaps he would've fried this man with a lightning bolt.

But alas, they both knew that he was Siva and so he only narrowed his eyes and made it so that he looked like he was smiling.

"Mortal." Siva's voice was stern and proud. "To ask a God of his purpose of visit is but a challenge to my identity but... I know your concern." At this point, he made a gesture for everyone to look at the resting Warhammer plunged on the cemented iron floor. "A few million years ago in your time, I created a copy of my Mjolnir and gifted it to my apprentice. But fate had a different twist in life even for an Immortal such as that bodacious brat. Death is unavoidable when face to face with destiny but to him, though war had killed his body, his divinity managed to live on. These are stories you are not privy of for they've happened even before the time of your very first ancestors. You asked about my reason... very well.

"The reason why I am here is because I am searching for the copy of my beloved Mjolnir. I have sensed that there was a big anomaly within these lands not long ago and felt the presence of the tool. As such I came here carrying intent on taking back my apprentice's weapon for his return.

"My purpose for coming here in this mortal city, however, is to test worthy souls to be my followers and messengers. You see, I have only but one goal and that is to recruit the strongest followers to make sure that my mission in coming here will be accomplished. I do not need people who ask a lot of question. I only need the ones who had the ability to follow my orders without batting an eye."

When Siva finished, no, in fact, even when he was talking, there was a sensation of power coming from his every word.

It's like hearing an ancient master speak of his Dao.*

(*Please Google its intricacies)

His tone became deep, commanding, authoritative, and had a lot of sincerity and might in them that even Ren found it to have felt like it was true.

To Siva, as soon as he finished speaking, it was like he awoke from a trans that he blinked and almost slip up and shake his head.

And yet, what he did was to frown and stare at the souls behind Ren. This stare gave even the GMs a heavy feeling of intimidation. His red eyes were like a knife drenched in fresh blood with its killing intent still radiating like a devil's aura.

Ren and his company had no intention to listen to his words but for some reason, they processed it and even remembered its details as if it was an important information regarding a mission or a quest.

There was such a sense of truth in them that there is an inclination of a real impending war.

A war against Siva –believed to also be a God!

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