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"St-stop! Please!! I didn't do anything!!!"

"Liar. Not only did you kill your husband for the inheritance, you also killed your six year old daughter and four year old son."

"No-no way... Commander Dok told me no one would know..."

"Looks like he lied to you, sweetie."

"Pl-please!! I'm sorry! I'll do anything you want!!! I'm sorry!!!"

"Sorry's not good enough."


You had gone back to your underground house which was located right outside of Wall Rose. Since titans didn't bother with animals you just left Star outside. You lifted the seemingly broken wooden door and revealed a staircase that led downwards. You made your way down and into a stone hallway. Of course you knew these halls like the back of your hand. You entered his office and stood there.

"Is the deed complete?" He asked, not lifting his head up. He didn't know your name. He didn't know your identity. Hell, he didn't even know your gender or what your real voice sounded like. All he knew was that you knew how to kill. And that you killed well. Taking your silence as a yes, he finally looked up. "It seems people are finally speaking up about their encounters with you. Right  now, Nile Dok of the Military Police has sent a criminal record to Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps. Of course they have no solid identification of who you are, but it's better safe than sorry." He handed you a file. You took it and skimmed through it and it's contents.

"Erwin Smith is a very formidable man, but the one you need to look out for is Corporal Levi, whose office is right next to his. I've no doubt you could kill him, but if you come in contact with anyone whom you don't recognize as a superior, either kill them or incapacitate them," he ordered. You nodded and flicked the file back onto his desk and walked out of his office. You zoomed up the steps and out of the hideout. The titans didn't pay much attention to you. Only the abnormals. You decided to hide Star further away from the walls. To make sure scouts wouldn't see her. Once you scaled the wall you immediately began your way to the HQ of the Survey Corps.

You were currently standing outside the large castle. You knew that the Scouting Legion was probably the hardest to infiltrate, but nothing you couldn't handle. You walked further from the castle and looked up, seeing three rooms lit up. You knew that Levi, Erwin, and Hanji were the ones up, but you didn't know which was which. Your hooks silently attached right next to the leftmost window. You quickly, but quietly, climbed up. Once you got in line with the window you peeked in. There, you saw a brunette with glasses sitting at her desk writing away. Your eyes focused on what she was writing.

'Titan obsessed woman...' You thought. You slowly made your way under and around her window and went to the middle one. You once again peeked in and with his back faced toward you, you saw the raven hair. He was working on paperwork and by the looks of it, the piles weren't going to be done for a while. His writing slowly stopped as he snapped his head behind him. Sharp silver eyes looked outside the window. You quickly evaded his eagle gaze and made your way above his window when you heard his footsteps walk towards it. You waited for a minute or two, making absolute sure he was seated once again. You made your way to the rightmost window that had to belong to Erwin. You peeked in and saw the blond commander with even more piles of paper. You would hate to be in his spot right now. He placed his pen down and stood up, stretching his arms up. He walked around his desk and entered another room which you assumed was his bedroom.

Quickly and stealthily, you opened the window and climbed in. You neatly searched through his papers when you heard water running from the other room. Once you found the paper, your eyes skimmed it, noticing 3/4's of the paper contained N/A. The door suddenly creaked, causing you to snap your head up and stand.

"Commander Erwin, Squad Leader Hanji asked me to— who are you?!"
Alarmed by their sudden presence, you charged at them with your sword and slashed them diagonally from their hip to their shoulder. They fell to the floor right as the water turned off. You ignored them and flew back to the window, closing it and jumping off of the building, and landing on the grass below. You ran a few meters away from the castle before looking back. Looking out through the glass was Erwin who was staring at you with shock. You didn't look at him for more than two seconds. You took off deep within the night.

Name: Red
Surname: N/A
Age: N/A
Gender: N/A
Appearance: N/A
Height: 5'4?
Weight: N/A

(N/A = Not available, not applicable, etc.)
"Hanji, how's that cadet doing?" Erwin asked his brunette comrade. The two of them were standing outside the infirmary after the soldier had been admitted.

"He's doing alright. It was deep, but not fatal enough to kill him," Hanji replied, staring at the currently unconscious soldier. "Erwin... you know who did this, don't you?" Her tone lowered in seriousness.

"Yes. It was Red," he replied. He couldn't say anymore.

"What are we going to do?" Hanji asked again, worry evident in her voice.

"I don't think it was us they were after, but rather what we had," Erwin deduced. Hanji hummed in question and turned her head to look at him. "The record that I had of Red was missing when I checked. It seemed they only wanted the file and not us."

"We can hope," Levi intervened, entering the hallway. He wore his usual stoic expression and his eyes narrow, and emotionless.

"Levi," Erwin greeted. Said man nodded in acknowledgment.

"Considering the circumstances I think it's safe to say that little shit is a bigger problem than the titans. At least right now," Levi said, crossing his arms.

"I think that's a little bit of an overstatement. Red has made no effort to target anyone in the three branches of Military," Hanji defended.

"However, Red's already killed hundreds of people. That, I know, is on record," Erwin quickly butted in. Levi tch'ed.

"That bastard. Doesn't he have anyting better to do?" levi asked, though it sounded like a statement.

"Don't go assuming, Levi. We don't know Red's gender yet," Hanji softly scolded.

"As if I'd give a shit about someone like that," Levi replied harshly, turning around and walking past the two, disappearing down the hallway.

"What should we do, Erwin?" Hanji asked once again.

"For now, nothing. As long as they don't, at least."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now