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You hadn't realized you passed out until your eyes slowly opened. Your vision was hazy at first. You thought you were seeing double. It's been a while since you've lost that much blood. You slowly lifted your head and looked around, only to realize your arms were tied above your head. Your one arm was poorly wrapped and bleeding through the bandages. You looked around once more, but couldn't see anything due to the room being dark and you having poor vision. Wherever you were, you knew it wasn't where you wanted to be. No energy or strength was left in you. Whatever happened to you drained all of your remaining energy and replaced it with tiredness and sloth-like movements.

"It's been a while, huh? Since you've been in here?" A voice echoed out. Your head immediately snapped up and looked around, but didn't see anything. The torches that were hung on each wall lit up, revealing the room and its contents. Your eyes widened. In the center of the room was a table, but not just any table. A metal operating table that you were strapped down to for most hours of the day. The bars that were holding your arms were shaking violently, clacking against each other like horse hooves against cobble.

"My... you're shaking. How sad to see such a... fragile creature faced with her greatest fear once again," her voice taunted. No matter how much effort you put into, it your eyes had not torn away from the metal table in front of you. Next to it was a rolling table that was empty, but your mind had made it look like it was filled with scalpels and things to poke and prod you with. The room was silent. Not one thing was making any nose. That wasn't what was going on in your head. Screams were filling your ears and images were flashing through your mind. Their laughs were cruel and repulsive. They echoed in your mind like a never ending chorus of mockery. Even when you're sleeping, you can never escape the screams of the innocent eleven year old kid that was forcibly dragged into hell. Nightmares, flashbacks, thoughts. It seems you were never able to escape their laughs at your helpless self. 

Sweat was rolling down your face and your back, in between every single nook and cranny that it could find, it was there. The air around you felt suffocating and thick. Your throat was burning like fire and you thought the ropes bounding your wrists would snap due to your shaking. Rhea walked into the room closer to you, her heels clicking against the stone floor. While the clicking silenced your mind, it didn't ease the fear. That sound. That... clicking sound... was the first thing you'd hear at the beginning of another shitty day. She stopped in front of you and smiled at your form.

"How cute... severe anxiety... panic attacks... slight PTSD... all achieved at the mere age of fifteen," she said softly, stroking your cheek with the back of her hand. A quiet yelp escaped your lips from the contact of her cold skin against your sweaty and hot one. Her smile widened as she leaned her head closer to yours. "It's been a long time since we've been like this huh?" She spoke quietly, seeing your eyes widen and your body tense up.

"Let's see what your eye is capable of."

Three hours earlier~

Elijah had escaped from the bloody titan fight by disconnecting himself from the nervous system in his titan. The titan fell with a bang and immediately began to evaporate. Elijah took this opportunity to maneuver away with his 3dmg, unnoticed. He landed on top of the wall and hung right underneath it to make sure no one saw him. After five minutes he peeked over the wall and saw you passed out from the blood lost due to your arm. The sound of zipping caused him to turn his attention to the soldier coming to get you. He growled and maneuvered over to you faster and slashed the one soldier, causing him to fall to the ground, dead. Elijah landed near your body and placed a rag over your nose and mouth.

"Hey! Y/n!" He heard someone yell. He looked over towards the wall and saw Armin pointing at him with his sword. Eren, still in his titan form, looked over as well. He roared angrily and began to run at him full speed.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, biting his hand. Steam exploded from his body, forcing Eren to stop. There was another roar before Elijah's titan popped out of the steam and began to run towards Wall Rose. He popped you into his mouth and jumped, hooking fingers into the stone and hauling himself up. Eren grabbed his leg and tried to pull him down. Elijah roared, causing hot steam to burst from his leg, pushing Eren back. He climbed up the wall and jumped over it to the other side.

"We can't let him get away! He's got Y/n!" Hanji shouted, ordering soldiers to chase him. Their hooks landed on Elijah, but he roared again, causing the steam to burst from him once again. The steam spread out like a fog and rendered their vision. The thumping of the footsteps quickly faded and right after they were out of earshot, the steam-like fog lifted.

"Dammit," Hanji cursed, standing on the side of the wall.

'This is bad... Y/n has really bad panic attacks and flashbacks.' Hanji thought, biting her lip lightly. With you gone she now had to focus on two things. But right now Eren was more important. She knew you had to be saved, but unlike Eren, she doesn't know your location or where to even search. She hated to do it, but finding you would have to be pushed aside.

'Man. Levi's gonna kill me.' She thought again, sighing and maneuvering back up to the top of the wall. You'd survive. She knew you would. You, however, weren't sure you were going to make this out alive... or sane.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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