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Episode 11 and this chapter was delayed due to {Typhoon Jebi} that struck Japan this month. So to anyone who was effected or who knows someone who was effected, I hope you're all right and safe, and I pray for Japan's recovery after that typhoon.

Also who wants to bet Levi's a slut for having his neck kissed?

Two mere months have passed since Historia's coronation. In that time, the military had undergone a purge following the coup d'état, which sacrificed considerable talent from humanity, but there was other things to gain. Also, the experiments with Eren's hardening ability has been half and half. He can only do it a max of two times before he becomes exhausted. Because of his new ability, Hanji has been in the middle of inventing a new way to kill titans. A type of guillotine. You've helped her in replacement of Ruby--who assisted her sometimes. She appreciated it greatly. 

It took a little while to propose, outline, and construct the entire thing, but once it was done, it was going to be exciting to see. However, because you've been helping Hanji so much, you've spent less time with Levi and the others... well, Levi is all you really care about. They're a close second, though. Even though you've spent less time with him, that doesn't mean anything. You've been busy, as he has. With Historia as queen, he's had to attend meetings and conferences with other high ranking officers. So It's not just you.

"I heard Hanji wants to do a public demonstration of the 'Executioner from Hell.," you said, leaning against the wall. Levi glanced at you, his silver eyes gleaming in the light.

"Yeah. You both have been working hard on that. I'm kind of surprised you offered to help in the first place," he replied, his arms crossed. It was late at night, both of you retired to his sleeping quarters. You were sitting on the end of the bed, reading a book. Except your eyes weren't on the book. They were looking at him, eyeing his torso and up. The loose cut shirt revealed down below his collar bones.

"I'm not a genius, or an inventor. I'm not skilled in that area. I only offered to see how exactly one would come up with something like that." Your eyes trailed up to his neck. If he noticed you staring, he didn't say anything. He probably liked the way you were gazing at him.

"And? What did you find out?" He finally looked up, catching you staring at his neck. You didn't flinch, however, and casually looked up to his eyes.

"Inventiveness is something one cannot learn. Either you have a gift for that, or you don't. Hanji does," you replied.

"And you don't?" He inquired, uncrossing his arms and letting them rest in his lap.

"In that aspect, no. Never have, probably never will." You closed the book and got up to place it on the bookshelf. He followed you with his eyes.

"Don't think I didn't see you staring at my neck," he suddenly spoke up. A huff left your nose like a snort.

"Don't think I care." You turned and stared at him with half-lidded eyes. Partially from tiredness, the other part from... something else. He didn't say anything in reply. Instead, he just tilted his head to the side, exposing the entire side of his neck to you.

"Aren't you a sucker for neck kisses," you said flatly, a small smirk forming on your face.

The next day, at noon, you and other Survey Corps members were standing above the wall where you could see the large contraption. Levi, Eren, Hanji, and Moblit were present along with others you didn't care to know. One of the soldier's lured a titan into a narrow corridor by trying to reach him, but it was blocked by strands of Eren's hardened crystal. A few more seconds went by before the soldier yelled an affirmative up to the others. The rope was cut, and the chains were released. The large, thick log fell straight to the titan and smashed into its nape.

"Ooh!" Hanji breathed in excitement. The titan fell to the ground in a sitting position as the log went sliding into the dirt.

"A direct hit on the nape! This could be it!" She exclaimed. You watched closer. The wound let out a hiss of air, which meant it was killed--or you believed. Both Moblit and Hanji smiled widely.

"We did it! That's a 12-meter, crushed!!" Hanji yelled up into the sky, her arm punching the air. Eren fell to his knees from next to you in relief.

"We did it...!" He repeated. Your attention was turned to him.

"Hell yeah! With this, we can kill titans without a single soldier dying!! We'll hack down the titans all day and night! Say hello to the Executioner from Hell!!! I can't wait to tell Ruby!! We did it Eren!!" Through her excited yelling, you saw Eren's nose start to bleed profusely. Both you and Levi knelt down, with him grabbing a cloth for him.

"Eren?" You heard Hanji call out. He grabbed the cloth from Levi and held it to his nose.

"He probably overused his titan powers," Levi explained, "All he's done is hardening experiments lately."

"Sorry, Eren..." She said apologetically. He looked up at her.

"There's nothing to apologize for, Hanji. Who gives a damn if I'm tired?" He said, pressing the cloth to his nose again. "Let's hurry... make weapons, and get going... to Shiganshina." You removed your glove from your hand and brought out a knife. You sliced your palm open.

"What are you..." Eren trailed off. With all of the nerve endings in your palm, you lost feeling and went numb pretty quick. You only felt the pressure of the cut and the blood rising into your hand. You let it pool for a few seconds.

"If you're so adamant on doing this shit continuously, then here." You held your hand out to him. "This will help regenerate your muscles for now. Expect to be passed the fuck out later, though." 

"I... I don't think that's--"
You promptly shoved your hand into his mouth and forced him to swallow what blood you could make him. With coughs and splutters, you finally released him, looking back down at your palm and noticing it steaming. Slowly, you began to regain feeling.

"I thought you could only heal external wounds," Levi spoke up.

"... I thought so too," you replied after a few seconds. You clenched your fist repeatedly to make sure your hand was no longer numb.

"So you only did that on a whim?"
You hummed.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Hey, Y/n? Could you let me borrow your knife?" Hanji asked.


"I want to stab myself so I can see if you can heal it by me ingesting it."

"No, Hanji."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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