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You covered your ears as the familiar sound pierced your eardrums.

'An acoustic round... he's definitely up to something...' You thought, uncovering your ears and placing your hands back on the reins. You sighed and lifted your hood a little, allowing the light to beat down on your eyes. You averted your gaze to the left, but didn't see the silhouette anymore. Your eyes narrowed in suspiciousness.

'What the absolute shit...' You thought. You were interrupted when the female titan's footsteps became louder and faster. You glanced behind yourself and saw her gaining speed.

'If I cut her down will she keep going? What is she after?' You thought. Your eyes then wandered over to Eren.

'Is it him? Because he's a titan shifter as well?' You thought again. You then sensed multiple presences up a few meters ahead and immediately clicked things into place.

'I see... they want to capture that titan, huh?' You thought, slightly smirking at the the thought. Once you passed where the soldiers were hiding, the triggers were pulled and hooks were shot out of the cannons, and impaled the female titan. They embedded themselves into the female titan's body, disabling her to move in any way.

'Heh... leave it up to Shithead the Second to think of batshit crazy ideas.' You thought with a slight smirk on your face.

"Tie your horses further up ahead and begin 3D maneuver. You will be working separately from me. Take your orders from Eld." Levi then turned to you, his brows furrowed more so. "Red. Behave."

"Hah? Why are you telling me to behave, shithead!" You replied back, but he had already started to maneuver back. "Don't go flying the fuck away when I'm talking!" Your annoyance meter turned red hot.

"Red, you and Captain seem to be closer," Petra said with a slight smile. You scoffed.

"Yeah right. He only puts up with me because he has to," you replied. You then sighed and cleared your head.

"Keep Eren at a suitable distance away from that female titan!" Eld ordered.


"I can understand why he wouldn't tell rookies like us, but I can't see why he didn't tell scout regimen veterans."

"Shut up!"

"Are you saying the commander and captain don't trust us?!"

"No, but isn't that how it looks?"

"Petra! Yank that brat's teeth out and stuff them back in his mouth!"

"Calm down, shit for breath," you said from your place on the branch. The three looked at you in shock. "There's someone among you who's working against you. Someone who can do the things shitface can do. Maybe they're working for the Titans as a spy."

"A spy? Do you really think there's someone like that?" Gunther asked.

"Why do you think Erwin had this all set up without your knowledge?" You inquired, boredly leaning against the tree.

"You knew?" Eren asked. You looked at him.

"Of course I didn't. Why would the higher ups tell me of all people? I'm only deducting things that we know so far," you explained, turning your head away.

"There you have it, Eren. That's how it is," Olou said, turning to face him.

"In that case, he had no choice..." Petra trailed off.

"Does that mean he's the one who killed Sonny and Bean?" Eld asked.

"It could be. Getting rid of evidence to further discover the nature of titans... smart plan," you quieted your voice.

"But Red... how do you know he's a traitor? We don't even know their motives yet," Petra asked, staring at you. You scoffed lightly.

"I know a spy or a traitor when I see one, shitstain. The spies and the traitors have the best poker face. Best composure when being threatened or interrogated," you replied, crossing your arms. "I've been a spy before. I've infiltrated the Military Police HQ many times to gain information on my targets. I've infiltrated the Survey Corps once or twice to find out about the Commander... and I've even infiltrated the courtroom when a hearing was going on so I could find out more about the victim's family." You closed your eyes.

"Red... you're really scary..." Eld said with a nervous smile.

"No fucking shit, I'm glad you have eyes," you replied while uncrossing your arms and standing upright. Eld let out a nervous chuckle at your profanity. You snapped your head to the right when you heard the leaves of a bush rustle slightly.

"What's wrong?" Gunther asked. Your eyes narrowed.

"Nothing," you replied, still staring intently on that one spot. Something... someone, was following you and you knew. You didn't know who it was or what their motive was, but you didn't care at the moment. All you wanted was to find out who the hell dared to follow you. You pulled down your hood just in case and turned around.

"What do we do from here?" You asked, making sure all of your weapons were still in place.

"Lets refuel and then continue with maneuver gear," Eld replied. You released your gloves once again and let the built up air release. Eren glanced at your gloves.

"How do those work?" He asked, stepping closer to you. You looked at him and stepped closer to him as well. You opened your palm and showed him the underside of the glove.

"There's a pressure point here on the thenar of the palm. The more I apply pressure to it, the more wire comes out. When I release the pressure, the wire retracts back inside," you explained, pressing the point and releasing a few inches of the wire. You grabbed it and held it out. "Touch it." He looked at you skeptically before slowly reaching out his hand and touching it with his finger. He lightly yelped and pulled his hand back, looking at his finger and seeing blood pool around on his fingertip.

"There are sharp serrations on the wire. I use this as a weapon when against skilled fighters," You added, retracting them back so that no one would get hurt by them.

"How do you fight with them?" Olou asked.

"I'd wrap them tightly around a limb and then pull against them. That causes deep lacerations in the skin and causes my opponent to die of blood loss. Sometimes if I do it hard enough, I could completely amputate them or cause the limbs to explode," you replied with a smirk on your face even though they couldn't see it. They all violently shivered. Your distorter didn't help it either.

"Man... I definitely ain't dying by a glove."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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